Monday, December 30, 2019
Waste Management A Company - 2424 Words
Waste Management is a company in North America that provides wastes and environmental services. It was founded back in 1894 by Larry Beck. (Prezi Web) The company headquarter is in Houston, Texas. It is the biggest provider of waste management services in North America. It provides services which include collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal. Waste Management is a developer, operator, and owner of waste-to-energy and landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States.(Reuters Web) It has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of sophisticated suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong.(funding Universe Web) In 1971, Waste Management went public with initial offering of 3,20,000 share. WMI s founders used the proceeds of that stock sale to launch one of the most spectacular success stories in the history of U.S. business. From 1971 to 1980, WMI revenue grew at a rate of 48% per year. In 1979 earnings were almost 10% of sales. Most of this phenomenal growth was achieved by means of acquisition--WMI bought 75 companies in the 18 months following its stock offering. The Company through its core waste management services owns or operates 271 landfill sites, which is a network of landfills in its industry. The Company manages 287 transfer stations. It also uses waste to create energy. It uses the gas producedShow MoreRelatedWaste Management : The Largest Waste Handling Company1507 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction In reading this case study, I learned that a company called Waste Management is the largest waste handling company in the world and pretty much one of its kind dominating the industry. In spite of its 20 million customers and 273 municipal landfills, it also faces serious changes and challenges of current events. There is also a need for waste companies to recycle and manage discarded computer monitors, other electronic waste that leaks lead, mercury, and hazardous materials when improperlyRead MoreMarketing Plan of a Waste Management Company3002 Words  | 13 Pagessolution for managing industrial liquid waste to large and medium sized companies. It will be a business to business service. In recent days environment pollution has become a concerning issue for everyone. Marketing Strategy: The marketing strategy is the core of the main strategy: 1. Emphasize high value, high quality products and services. 2. Build a relationship oriented business. 3. Focus on large and medium industries currently producing liquid wastes and polluting rivers severely as our initialRead MoreWaste Management1349 Words  | 6 PagesWaste Management is a publically traded Houston, Texas based waste and environmental services company. Founded in 1894, Waste Management is the largest disposal company in North America, handling over half of the garbage pickup in the United States. In 1998, Waste Management was involved in the largest accounting scandal involving an American company to date. Under the company’s founder and chairman Dean Buntrock, Waste Management implemented unsavory accounting practices which directly inflatedRead MoreThe Problem Of Waste Management867 Words  | 4 Pagesdestroying Waste Management by reducing and recycling the amount of waste. There is a disconnection between the people and Waste Management. Even though Waste Management has more landfill capacity than others, no one wants to increase its wasteland profit. The business environment and sociocultural has changed. The changing environment and the trend analysis has supported the idea of many companies choosing the zero-waste route. This will therefore reduce revenues for Waste Management, creating anRead MoreU. S. Firms See Money In Waste Management In Usa Case Analysis1194 Words  | 5 Pagesinflow of trash and waste. This caused the imported waste to flood American scrapyards with paper and plastic. The announcement from China in July sent the global prices for waste paper and plastics into spiral as now U.S waste management companies, without their Chi nese customers with this import ban, must rethink and strategize their waste policy to find new customers and a new distribution channel for their products. Though waste management companies are in a frieze, companies whom use recycledRead MoreThe Problem Of Waste Management869 Words  | 4 Pagesunintentionally destroy Waste Management by reducing and recycling the amount of waste. There is a disconnection between the people and Waste Management. Even though Waste Management has more landfill capacity than others, no one wants to increase its wasteland profit. The business environment and sociocultural have changed. The changing environment and the trend analysis has supported the idea of many companies choosing the zero-waste route. This will therefore reduce revenues for Waste Management, creating anRead MorePhar Mor Inc. : Overview1724 Words  | 7 Pagesfamily-owned grocery chain along with the distribution company Tamco Distributors co. This company would use Power buy which is when the company buys the largest possible amount of product at a great price because they are buying so much of the product. Then the company will t urn around and selling the product at a discount anywhere from 25%-50% off what the retail price would be. The Vice-president of Tamco was then name the new president of the new company Phar-Mor Inc. and by 1987 had increased to 70Read MoreThe Social Of Social Entrepreneurs987 Words  | 4 Pagesidea that can impact globally or maybe even locally. It only takes a single idea and lots of inspiration, commitment, and perseverance to take on the challenges and to see it through. Ana Luisa Arocena lives in Montevideo, Uruguay and runs a waste management company called TRIEX. Ana grew up in Uruguay, South America with her mom, dad, and a maid. Her father was a civil engineer and her mother stayed home with the maid and helped clean the house. Ana’s family gave her the love of entrepreneurship andRead MoreThe Top Management Of Waste Management Essay1410 Words  | 6 PagesFor any organization, waste management is one of the top priorities for environmental sustainability strategy. Waste management entails a responsible operation toward the environment and thus ISO certification. The ISO 14001 Environment Management System (EMS) standard is geared to the management of the immediate and long term environmental impacts of an organization’s processes, services, and products. Under the ISO 14001 framework for environmental management best practice, organizations improveRead MoreWaste Management Scandal861 Words  | 4 PagesWaste Management, Inc. is the nations largest waste collector (Feder). In other words, they collect and recycle garbage . They are a known brand and dominate the regions of the country and Canada where they provide services. Grownups and kids alike see their trucks and think, Garbage. Which could sound awful, but garbage is lucrative. In the early 1990s, Waste Management, instead of just picking up the garbage, provided garbage to their investors in the form of an accounting scandal which
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Arthur Millers Portrayal of Willy in Death of a...
The play opens with a description of the house. Which shows the house and Willy starting of as a failure, he fails by cheating on his wife and not respecting his friends. â€Å"Towering angular shapes behind it, surrounding it on all sides†This shows at the beginning that Willy is going to be a failure as his house is old and is small compared to the others and they all lean over the old crooked building making it look small worthless and untidy. Which shows he has no money to buy a big house that leans over the others, and as a salesman you would have thought that he would have had a lot of money as he is a working salesman. This creates a affect that he is a worthless salesman who earns no money Arthur Miller uses the fact of him†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"She is taking off his shoe†Linda says this which Miller uses to create an effect about how she does things for Willy and he doesn’t respect it, which shows the audience he has lied and cheated on her which makes him cheating on her worse as she looks after him and thinks the world of him when not many people do, Willy doesn’t show he cares or has any affection for Linda who cares for him more than anything in the world. Willy cheats on his wife and begins to feel guilty for what he has done. Willy cheats on his wife and he gives the person he cheated on her with new stockings and we see his wife fixing her old stockings. â€Å"The stockings†â€Å"will you stop mending stockings†He begins to feel sorry for her and begins to feel guilty for what he has been doing this shows that he has also failed as a husband. Willy failed as a father as he made biff give back a ball that he has stolen then later on makes him steal from a building site. â€Å"I want you to return that†This shows that he is a good farther by telling him to take it back but then later on he says â€Å"Boys go right over †¦and go get some sand†This is telling him to steal some sand from the building site. which makes the audience ask is he a good farther for telling him to give back ball that has been stolen of risk them getting locked up for some sand that he wants. This shows that altogether heShow MoreRelatedEssay about Marxism and the Fall of Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman2986 Words  | 12 PagesUnited States endured internal battles in political ideologies between capitalists and Marxists, which is the focus of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. According to Helge Normann Nilsen, author of â€Å"From Honors At Dawn to Death of a Salesman: Marxism and the Early Plays of Arthur Miller,†the Great Depression had a profound impact in forming the political identity of Arthur Miller: â€Å"The Great Depression created in him a lasting and traumatic impression of the devastating power of economicRead MoreWilly Loman: the Tragic Hero Essay1462 Words  | 6 PagesArthur Miller made the comment that a tragic hero â€Å"has the inherent unwillingness to remain passive in the face of what he conceives to be a challenge to his dignity.†Nowhere is this more evident than in Miller’s play Death of a Salesman, where salesman Willy Loman desperately struggles to regain a sense of dignity after experiencing a number of setbacks in his life. Despite not being able to provide for his family, Willy Loman continues the futile struggle to earn a living, which shows the despairRead More Portrayal of Women in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Essay1679 Words  | 7 PagesPortrayal of Women in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Although Death of a Salesman is mainly about a salesman named Willy Loman, the almost hidden presence of the women in the novel goes all too often unnoticed. Linda Loman seems to be the glue that holds the Loman clan together, as Willy, Biff, and Happy are all deluded in one way or another. Arthur Miller depicts Willys wife in a very specific way, and this is a very crucial part of the story. He depicts the other women in the storyRead MoreThe Illusion of the ‚Äà ºAmerican Dream‚Äà ¹1408 Words  | 6 Pagescauses significant variation to the interpretation of this term from person-to-person. An example of these discrepancies is depicted in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. In this play, Miller uses several different characters as a function to illustrate the widespread disparity of beliefs regarding the appropriate philosophy for the pursuit of happiness in America. Willy Loman (the central character in the play) is used to represent a h ighly capitalistic society. On the other hand, Willy’s son (Biff)Read More Women in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman956 Words  | 4 PagesWomen in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman The part of Stella and Linda are both archetypal female figures in that they follow the typical fictional role of the submissive wife and mother. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Stella DuBois (renamed Mrs. Stanley Kowalski) supports and forgives her husband, defending him against any criticism. Likewise, in Death of a Salesman, Linda - the only female character with any import - is a meek, timid figureRead MoreDeath of a Salesman - Materialism Alienation1696 Words  | 7 PagesModern Tragedies deal with modern issues such as materialism, consumerism, procrastination and alienation. To what extent does Death of a Salesman show evidence of at least two of these issues, and how does Miller present them? Arthur Miller’s ‘Death of a Salesman’ is a modern tragedy; one that incorporates both the tragic genre presented in theatres for centuries as well as essences of the modern world we live in. Materialism is a modern phenomenon, something which possibly began due to the AmericanRead More Death of a Modernist Salesman Essay3513 Words  | 15 PagesDeath of a Modernist Salesman      The modernist movement in writing was characterized by a lack of faith in the traditional ways of explaining life and its meaning. Religion, nationalism, and family were no longer seen as being infallible. For the modernist writers, a sense of security could no longer be found. They could not find any meaning or order in the old ways. Despair was a common reaction for them. The dilemma they ran into was what to do with this knowledge. Poet Robert FrostRead MoreWillys Tragic Flaw and the Effect it Has Upon his Sons in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller1510 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Effect it Has Upon his Sons in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Willys Tragic Flaw and the Effect it Has Upon his Sons Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller concerns itself with the fall of a simple man perpetually in a steadfast state regarding his own failure in a success-driven society. The protagonist of the play, Willy Loman, will follow a tragic trajectory that will eventually lead to his suicide. Arthur Millers tragic play is an accurate portrayal of the typical American myth thatRead MoreQuest For Literary Form : The Greeks Believed That The Tragedy1742 Words  | 7 PagesAristotle stated that in the play, the song and display must blend with the theme created. (Kennedy Gioia, Pp. 1205) Arthur Miller s Tragedy of the Common Man In the modern times, several aspects of classical tragedy presented by Aristotle were questioned, and many dramatists rebelled this Aristotelian concept of tragedy. Among these dramatists was Arthur Miller, who advocates the modern concept of tragedy. (Miller, Pp. 1831) In his essay, â€Å"TragedyRead MoreCompare/Contrast Willy Loman (Death of a Salesman) and Walter Lee Younger (a Raisin in the Sun)2823 Words  | 12 PagesYounger and Willy Loman are prime examples of this, both pinning their hopes on unattainable dreams to hide the feelings of failure. The theme of illusion versus reality is present in both Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman through the portrayal of main characters Walter and Willy in their struggles for happiness and prosperity. Although the two characters have similar dreams, Walter, a dynamic character, breaks through the fantasy while Willy, a static
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Contemporary issues in Finance Free Essays
Introduction â€Å"How have financial markets reacted to financial-sector reforms after the crisis?†By Schafer et al. is an article in pursuit for the extent to which the financial reforms have been adopted in many countries globally. The global economic crisis caused financial strategists to look into ways through which they would change their financial systems to counteract the effect of the crisis. We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary issues in Finance or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper is a critique of this article in the manner it reported whether the reforms have been had a positive impact to the independent countries. The paper will also point out the shortcomings in the article about the financial reforms. Summary of the article This is a well researched and documented article covering the extent to which financial reforms have been adopted by many countries in the world. Schafer et al. articulates that Lax-financial sector regulation is the major cause of the global crisis that forced policy makers to innovate ways of dealing with the reforms. However, the introduction of reforms by various countries or multinational companies has had a lot of varied impact based on the reform and country. This is evident from reviewing the banks stock returns that demonstrate that four major reforms in the US and Europe has drastically reduced the bailout expectations. The Dodd-Frank Act is one of the major reforms initiated that has caused the strongest effects while the German restructuring law provided the least effects after the reforms were implemented in response to the global crisis (Schafer e al. 2013). The G20 sorted to establish radical measures to overhaul the financial system after it was identified that the existing financial system was faced by a near collapse. The financial system was faced by the collapse because there were unprecedented support measures from the public sector and central governments that would deal with the global economic crisis that hit the world in 2009 (Veronesi Zingales 2010). As a result, each country decided to initiate its measures independently providing structural measures that promoted prohibitions of activities whilst ring fencing of the retail banking (O’Hara Shaw 2010). These measures are a major impact in the regulating the financial strategies of the world although most people observe that nothing much happened during the crisis and even the so called reforms have had less impact to the countries. At this point, only the financial strategists can be able to understand the impact of the reforms as it does not make sense in the eyes of a person who does not understand how financial matters are dealt with in business. The article covered the regulatory events in the banking industry between June 2009 when the global crisis was at its peak and 2011 when the reforms had started bearing fruits to some countries. Four major reforms in the article are; the Dodd-Frank Act in the US, the reforms proposed by the Vickers report in the UK, the restructuring law and bank levy in Germany, and the too-big-to fail regulation in Switzerland (Schwert 2011). The reforms were used by different countries using different approaches to deal with the weakness demonstrated by the global economic crisis. The weakness revealed through the crisis include; a prohibition of risky activities, ring fencing of systemic activities, establishment of resolution procedures and special capital regimes for systemically important banks to address the weakness in Volcker rule in the US, UK, Germany and Switzerland (Fratianni Marchionne 2009). Critique This article is well informed about the financial strategies, and its analysis gives an accurate position regarding the impact and effect of the reforms. This is due to the fact that the information used to analyze the questions was obtained from the bank stocks information for different countries based on their financial strategies. Its objective was to answer two questions: has anything happened in financial regulation after the global financial crisis and whether the structural reforms have been registered in equity valuations and credit default in their individual banks. According to the article, it has found out that the answer to these two questions is yes. Further, this means that the reforms initiated in the four major countries has been able to bailout expectations and lower the equity returns in their markets. Under normal financial environment, these two questions cannot be categorically being stated as yes. Based on the financial mechanisms it is hard to predict whether enough has happened because the reforms were developed specifically with the interest of promoting the safety of the financial system. The article demonstrates that the major four reforms have been able to lower the bailout expectations in their respective countries. As research as established, lower rates of bailout expectations have an impact of creating a lower risk taking individuals (Boyd Gertler 2004). Therefore, at this point it is difficult to tell whether the reforms have been effective or simply people in these countries have become risk a vase. The best answer for the questions highlighted in this article is that the only time would effectively determine whether the reforms have effectively instituted measures to deal with the economic crisis in the future. On the other hand, it is not standards to identify at what level is the reform successful. There is no standard measure to be applied to the four reforms to be able to explain whether they have attained the ultimate goal or more strategies should be implemented. The basis used in the article is a drop in the equity prices and a subsequent increase in the credit default swaps which does not shut down the system in the individual countries. A comprehensive and successful strategy should be able to distort the cause of the systemic risk so that it cannot happen in the future. This can be effectively be done by comparing the results to the funding costs deferential (Ueda Weder di Mauro 2013) In this measurement criteria, the values of the current financial year are compared to the values of 2009 which will demonstrate whether the reforms have effectively reduced the distortions or at what level has the distortions been reduced. In regard to the second question, the article establishes that some of the reforms are better than others. This is true because every reform was developed with an underlying and competing philosophy. The reforms were not commonly developed to serve the same problems and weakness brought out by the global crisis. For example, the Volcker Rule and the ring fencing approach can be applied in different banking systems. Contrary, the Swiss and Germany reforms were instituted to promote capital buffers and adverse resolvability. As such, the default swap changes do not accurately pointy at the effectiveness of the reform strategy. The impacts provided by the four reforms do not pass to be used as the criteria to determine which among the reforms has been able to deal with the weakness provided in its financial system after the crisis. For example, the Germany reform cannot be ruled out as ineffective, but it is just irrelevant to the financial practices because it is executed at the nation al level. Here, no system can effectively point at its impact in dealing with the crisis. Therefore, the best assessment of the reform implemented on each of the four named above lies in the future. The G20 initiated the development of the reform strategies with the aim of reducing the impact of the global crisis. Although the strategy might have well been good, it is difficult to develop a common strategy that would be applied to all the countries in the world. For example, in the Eurozone, the financial problem has been identified and a vigorous supernatural reform strategy implemented best to the identified problem which is majorly with the banking unions. Based on this example, it is difficult to develop a common strategy treaty would give the solution to the different financial systems. This is because problems are not identical for all the countries. Additionally, the Basel process is a good global initiative, but it has not established a robust framework for the establishment of cross-country resolutions to be instituted. However, this has lead to individual countries in initiating different banking systems that they deem better for their problems. As a result, these diff erent approaches may lead into a more devastating financial problem than the global crisis. Conclusion The article â€Å"How have financial markets reacted to financial-sector reforms after the crisis?†points at the fact that the financial markets have been abler to deal with the effects of the global crisis. It focused on four major reforms that were initiated in the G20 countries in response to the crisis. Although this article provides factual data from the banks in individual country, its conclusion may not be accurate. It is difficult to answer the question provided in the article because the strategies have been implemented at national level by each country. Secondly, the problems are not the same for the various systems therefore it can be established further which of the strategies has been able to deal with the crisis effectively. Therefore, the best answer for the argument presented in the article is to wait for time to tell whether the reforms are comprehensive. It is only after the fullest of time that it will be established whether a reform strategy has been abler to completely distort the system that generates the crisis. References Boyd, J Gertler, M .2004, â€Å"The Role of Large Banks in the Recent U. S. Banking Crisis†, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 18(1), 2–21. Fratianni, M Marchionne, F. 2009, â€Å"Rescuing Banks from the Effects of the Financial Crisis†, MoFir Working Paper Series, 1(30), 1. O’Hara, M Shaw, W. 2010, â€Å"Deposit Insurance and Wealth Effects: The Value of Being ‘Too Big To Fail’, Journal of Finance, 45(5): 1587–1600. Schafer, A, ISchnabel, and Weder di Mauro, B .2013, â€Å"Financial Sector Reform After the Crisis: Has Anything Happenedâ€Å", CEPR Discussion Paper 9502. Schwert, G. 2011, â€Å"Measuring the Effects of Regulation: Evidence from the Capital Markets†, Journal of Law and Economics 24, 121–145. Ueda, K Weder di Mauro, B. 2013, â€Å"Quantifying Structural Subsidy Values for Systemically Important Financial Institutions†, Journal of Banking and Finance 1(12): 128. Veronesi, P Zingales, L. 2010, â€Å"Paulson’s Gift†, Journal of Financial Economies 97(3), 339–368. How to cite Contemporary issues in Finance, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Bright Star by John Keats Poem Analysis Essay Example For Students
Bright Star by John Keats Poem Analysis Essay This essay will discuss a close reading analysis of the poem The Bright Star. The Romantic poet John Keats wrote this poem. It is a love sonnet and is believed that it was written for his love and fiance Fanny Brawny. Keats writes the poem in iambic pentameter. The poem revolves around Keats love for stars and about natures beauty. The whole poem is written with a rhyming scheme except the last two lines possibly to attract the readers attention to it. By starting the poem with Bright Star! , Keats introduces the poem with strong imagery and symbolism that rejects a clear and precise picture of the bright star. By adding an exclamation to the line, he stresses the importance of the star and to exhibit the excitement he is feeling. He wishes that he could be as steadfast and consistent as the bright star. In the second line, he writes about the lonely star that is isolated from the rest of the world. Even though he admires the star and wishes to be like it, he doesnt want to follow this quality of the star. The third line expresses that the star is always awake and shining and that is yet another characteristic he doesnt wish to imitate. In line our, Keats writes about a sleepless Eremite which is another word for hermit. Comparing eremite to the moving waters captures beautiful imagery. This is the first time Keats uses religion in the poem. However, he does use it a few times throughout the poem. The poet uses the poetic device simile in the fifth line by comparing the moving waters to Priestley task. This contributes to the fact that John Keats loves and admires the beauty of nature (moving waters) as he is comparing it with a religious symbol (Priestley task). The religiousness was being compared to the star, and now it is being compared to the moving waters. It shows a separation between the sky and the Earth. With the imagery of Eremite and Priestley tasks of moving waters, Keats wishes to express that the stars and the nature of water bodies are always twinkling and flowing, basically being immortal, which he cannot accomplish. In line six; Keats uses the word ablution which also symbolizes religion. Ablution is a word for religious washing or cleansing and Keats ties it with the sea. All the lines so far in the poem express the profound admiration that Keats has for the skies and the Earth, since he compares them with elisions values. Keats brings back the stars and its gazing once again in line seven. He uses enjambment to create a pause from the stars and waters to transform into other earthly bodies. Keats starts this new stanza by expressing his admiration for mountains and moors and the beautiful snow that accumulates on top of its peak. He tries to create imagery of a winter and lonely place. Winter has a connotation of seclusion and desolation. One can also find alliteration in mountains and moors, trying to stress his adoration for them. Keats repeats what he expresses n the beginning of the poem again in line eight saying that he wants to be steadfast and unchangeable like the star, but not lonely. This repetition enforces the passion he for the star. He writes about him lying on his lovers breast and seeking comfort. He mentions ripening breast to express that even if the breast is aging, the comfy it produces does not lessen. This can be compared to the star, which also has its comfort and beauty no matter its age. Keats ends the poem by saying, so live ever- or else swoon to death. He expresses that he would be happy to live with his love and swoon to death or live forever like the star.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Coaching Philosophy
The fundamental foundation of a good team rests upon the ability of the coach to lead the team to greater heights. Consequently, a well-developed and tested coaching philosophy as demonstrated by the coach is one of the basic prerequisites of building a strong team. Below, the tenets that describe my coaching philosophy are outlined.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Coaching Philosophy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I am a firm believer of discipline, respect, teamwork, self-reflection and total cooperation as the principal tenets involved in developing a good team and, as such, these guiding principles inform my coaching philosophy. To achieve successful outcomes, each player must exercise a certain level of discipline not only in the field but also in other areas. I always make it to clear to players under my charge that discipline or lack of it is instrumental in shaping or destroying future professional ambi tions. Players must show respect not only to their counterparts and competitors, but also to the coaching fraternity and the rules and regulations governing the sport. Players under my charge must always remember that professional teams are always disciplined and respectable. Teamwork is a guiding principle that cannot be ignored if the team is to achieve successful outcomes. A group of players cannot really be called a ‘team’ if they do not exhibit the spirit of teamwork. Individual successes of players under my charge must always be perceived under the lens of group success to prioritize teamwork and gain mileage from its positive outcomes. Indeed, it is my believe that members of the team should be encouraged to undertake joint activities other than playing or exercising to establish strong social bonds and enhance interpersonal relationships. Such activities may include camping, social work, attending to the sick and tree planting. The bottom line is that these acti vities not only bring out unique talents and abilities in the players, but underline the raw power and strength that derives from a closely knit team. There cannot be any tangible results without self-reflection. The professional development of the team is dependent on the capacity of the coach to make personal reflections of previous mistakes and the core strengths of the team with the view to establish critical areas that require improvement.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Players also need to be encouraged to make reflective assessments of their weaknesses and strengths so that they can start making steps towards improving their performance. Self-reflection forms a critical component in developing a strong team that can excel in all its endeavors. It is also important to note that self-reflection is instrumental in assisting members of the team to realize their full potenti al. The last guiding principle that informs my coaching philosophy is cooperation. Coaches expect total cooperation not only from players but also from other members of the technical bench if they are to develop successful and competitive teams. Players must at all times be encouraged to cooperate with their colleagues and the technical team during training and in actual competitions if they expect the team to post positive results. Indeed, the importance of cooperation in coaching cannot be underestimated since it is the basic principle that ensures members of the team learn from each other. Above all, cooperative players make the coaching tasks much easier, either in training or during actual competitions, because they are more willing to listen and act upon the advice given by the coach. This essay on Coaching Philosophy was written and submitted by user Camdyn U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Word Essays
Word Essays Word Essay Word Essay Test assesses your ability to use the language being tested by presenting questions via a computer. Questions appear on a screen and you answer them by clicking on a particular option or by typing in words or phrases. There are eight types of question and they assess listening, reading and grammar/ vocabulary skills. Reading and Language Knowledge Tasks (I) Read and Select Candidates are presented with a notice, diagram, label, memo or letter containing a worth text. They choose a phrase that most closely matches the meaning of the text. (it) Extended Reading Candidates read a longer text and answer a series of multiple choice questions based on it. The questions are presented in the same order as the information in the text. (ill) Multiple Choice Gap-fill Candidates choose the best word or phrase to fill gaps in a text. There are four choices for each gap. (v) Open Gap-fill Candidates complete blanks in a text by typing in the missing word. (v) Gaped Sentences Candidates complete gaps In a sentence by choosing the correct word or phrase. There are four choices for each gap. Listening Tasks (I) Listen and Select Candidates listen to a short recording and answer a short multiple choice question. (II) Listen and Select (Graphic) The same as above, but the choice Is between three pictures or Images. (Ill) Extended Listening Candidates listen to a longer recording and answer a series of multiple choice questions based on it. The questions are presented in the same order as the information is heard. You can hear the listening recordings twice. The Computer Test starts by testing a candidates Reading and Language Knowledge before starting the second section which Is the Listening part of the exam. The Computer Test is adaptive. This means that it adapts to your level. If you get questions right, it will give you more difficult ones. If you get questions wrong, it will give you easier ones. N. B. You can change your mind and change an answer you have selected. However, once you move on to the next task, you cant go back to a previous one. The Computer Test produces a report with the candidates overall score (on a scale of 0-100) and LATE and CHEF levels, and their score on each section. A test report form can be printed out from the test if the test administrator has selected this option, or a report can be printed from the administrators Supervisor program. How should you prepare for the Computer Test? The skills tested in the Computer Test are the same as in the Standard Test, and so you should read the blats candidate handbook | 2 The Computer Test 5 advice given in the section on the Standard Test. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the format of the Computer Test and the way you need to answer questions. A demonstration version of the Computer Test is available on the BLATS website: www. blats. Org. If you do not have access to this, you should ask your language trainer to obtain a Demonstration CD for the BLATS Computer Test, which also contains a demonstration test for you to try out. What should you do during the Test? Relax the test is designed to be easy to use. Some candidates lose marks because they misread instructions in their nervousness. Read the instructions carefully. Do not hurry answer questions carefully. Unlike the Standard Test you cannot review your answers before finishing the test. Some candidates lose marks because they race through the test. However, do not spend too long on a question generally, the first answer a candidate produces is the best one. Reading tasks do not require you to understand every single word in the text. Keep an eye on the progress indicator which shows how far through the test you are. Sample Questions Below are some sample screens showing questions taken from the Computer Test. It is not possible to produce sample questions for the whole test because it is adaptive, each test is therefore unique.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Logistic management report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Logistic management report - Essay Example different logistics activities that can add significant value to a humanitarian emergency aid response in terms of form, place and time utility, diverse challenges along with the factors that can help in overcoming these challenges has been taken into concern. Moreover, a humanitarian organisation i.e. UNICEF has been considered in order to demonstrate the different logistics activities such as warehousing, transportation and coordination amid others that can add significant value to a humanitarian emergency aid response in terms of place, form and time utility. The significance of logistics management is incessantly mounting in different fields due to increased level of globalisation as well as nationalisation. Logistics management is fundamentally described as an imperative part of supply chain procedure that intends to plan, employ as well as control the flow of services along with information and storage of goods for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the customers. The conception of logistics management has been proved to be quite beneficial especially for dissimilar industries, which supports them to optimise their distribution procedure which ultimately results in raising their effectiveness as well as competitiveness by a significant level (Tseng & et. al 2005). The governments belonging to diverse nations have recognised the significance of execution of en effective logistics management procedure that can impose considerable impact upon their respective economies (Australian Government n.d.). In this similar context, the co nception of humanitarian logistics refers to a specialised network that is generally created through effectual flow of services, information and finances between different suppliers and beneficiaries among others with the intention of delivering physical support to them. It has been apparently observed that the idea of humanitarian logistics not only enhances the different logistics activities that occur at every phase of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Fighter Jets Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fighter Jets - Speech or Presentation Example The role of the air force could be divided into the following tasks: interdiction, close support, bombing, reconnaissance and air superiority. Interdiction is the task in which the air force intercepts an aerial target as it is moving towards its destined objective. Close support means the air force will provide lead aerial fire support against opposing ground or sea targets. Reconnaissance is the observation and gathering of enemy presence and movement from a safe distance. Air superiority is the task of securing the airspace of a battle-zone to ensure control of aerial advantages. In the case of air superiority, victory lies in the side that have the better skills and an even a near equal measure of equipment. The only way of getting rid of opposing air superiority is by either having the better pilots and planes, or by having the ground forces have a superior anti-air defense system and weaponry. Fighter jets could make use of either auto-cannons or different kinds of missiles to destroy aerial targets. Auto-cannons are used when aerial combat has become a close ranged dogfight. Missiles are used differently, depending on its kind and size. Some missiles are heat-seeking types which home into any heat signature found in the radar sight. Radar-guided missiles are missiles that are guided to a target based on the direction the radar bore-sight is aimed on. In combat, pilots of fighter jets would either have to maneuver their way from getting shot down, or make use of different countermeasures like flares, chaff or jamming systems, to avert any enemy weapons from hitting them. It should be remembered that the introduction of jet aircrafts, despite being a scientific and engineering endeavor, is a co-related to the arms race of military powers in gaining advantages of air power and superiority. During the First World War, the concept of air warfare was born and put into its early stages of application. While most critics in the military circles that time express ed that aircrafts in warfare will just be relegated to a purely reconnaissance role, a handful of visionary and forward thinking military officers and theorists saw the great potential of aircraft in more combative roles in future wars to come. The latter among the two sides were very much correct. Come the Second World War, the world’s powerful military nations already developed a formal and fundamental doctrine for their air forces. It became apparent to military leaders in the world’s leading nations that control of the air would limit the role of enemy ground and maritime forces since aircrafts literally have the sky as the limits unlike the armies and navies. Germany and Russia developed their air force doctrine to play a close combat support in tandem with their ground forces with respect to combined arms tactics and strategy. The British pursued a more active air superiority and defense role for its aircraft, while developing long range strategic bombing strateg ies with the Americans later on. The Americans and Japanese developed the basis for naval aviation as they produced aircrafts designed to operate on naval aircraft carriers. As the war dragged on, Germany’s air force also developed into air superiority roles as they switched into a more defensive strategy. As the war prolonged during the Second World War, the nations at war would pour a great deal of effort in trying to get the advantage over their adversary by
Monday, November 18, 2019
Values for professional studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Values for professional studies - Essay Example The cycle comprises six stages namely, description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and final stage is an action plan to prepare if the situation arose again (NHS, 2006). Baird and Winter (2005, p.156) give some reasons why reflection is required in the reflective practice. They state that a reflect is to generate the practical knowledge, assist an ability to adapt to new situations, develop self-esteem and satisfaction as well as to value, develop and professionalizing practice. However, Siviter (2004, p.165) explains that reflection is about gaining self-confidence, identify when to improve, learning from own mistakes and behaviour, looking at other people’s perspectives, being self-aware and improving the future by learning the past. In my context with the patient, it is important for me to improve the therapeutic relationship, which is the nurse-patient relationship. In the therapeutic relationship, there is the therapeutic rapport to establish from a sense of t rust and a mutual understanding existing between a nurse and a patient that builds in a special link of the relationship (Harkreader and Hogan, 2004, p.243). (Peplau 1952, cited in Harkreader and Hogan 2004, p.245) note that a good contact in a therapeutic relationship builds trust as well as raises the patient’s self-esteem, which could lead to new personal growth for the patient. Besides, (Ruesch 1961, cited in Arnold and Boggs 2007, p.200) mention the purpose of the therapeutic communication is to improve the patient’s ability to function. Therefore, in order to establish a therapeutic nurse-patient interaction, a nurse must show up caring, sincerity, empathy and trustworthiness (Kathol, 2003, p.33). Those attitudes could be expressed by promoting the effective communication and relationships by the implementation of interpersonal skills. Johnson (2008) defines that the interpersonal skills is the total ability to communicate effectively with other people. Chitty an d Black (2007, p.218) mention that communication is the exchange of information, thoughts and ideas via verbal and non-verbal communication processes. They explain that verbal communication consists of all speech whereas non-verbal communication consists of gestures, postures, facial expressions, tone and level of volume. In this assignment I discuss my development of therapeutic relationship in the circumstance of the nurse-patient relationship using the interpersonal skills. My reflection is about a patient, Mary (not the real name) whose real name is confided to protect the confidentiality of patient’s information (NMC, 2004). DESCRIPTION: (What happened ?) In this paragraph, I would describe on the event that took place during my clinical placement. I was on the female psychiatric ward. Once I noticed one woman was still sitting on her bed trying to take something from the cupboard. She was Mrs. Mary, 76 years old who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She was unable to control her muscle movement due to tremor. She was having a side effect of anti psychotic medication which was a Parkinsonism (Sahelian, 2005). She could not walk herself and need to be assisted if she wanted to stand or walk. This old woman was unable to feed on her own. Therefore, I checked her diet chart and served a cup of milk from her cupboard. To confirm that Mrs. Mary was actually wanting some milk I had to involve in a lengthy process of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Tsiolkas Loaded and Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra
Tsiolkas Loaded and Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra One of the key concerns at the heart of communities is the notion of inclusion and exclusion. Loaded and Antony and Cleopatra Tsiolkas Loaded, and Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra present a primary protagonist, both conduct themselves outside of the social norms expected of them. Ari, the character in Loaded and Antony from Antony and Cleopatra will be compared. A review of their behaviour and response at times of inclusion and exclusion in society. Fukuyama suggests inclusion is, the expectation that arises within a community of regular, honest and cooperative behaviour, based on commonly shared norms (Fukuyama: 25). Ari and Antonys self-expectations differ from community shared norms, which exclude them; though in moments of compliance to the expected behaviours are included to which both authors represent the protagonist in a non-socially-destructive light, compared to following individualistic desire. TsiolkasAri connects his sense of community in the main narrative within the drug scene, clubs, secret homosexuality and music. Tsiolkas introduces a day and night with a 19-year-old Ari as the narrator, and the main protagonist as the reader follows to witness Aris dramaturgy, in his dialogue and behaviour depending on his social interactions. A self-confessed interloper of the social norms expected by the family structure he states, What I am is a runner. Running away from a thousand and one things, that people say you have to be or should want to be. (Tsiolkas:180). The reader can be confused just like the protagonist as Ari enjoys others company and has the brotherly love to be concerned about his Sisters relationship and protects his older Brother from their sometimes cantankerous Mother. Furthermore showing empathy towards his mothers home situation, even enjoying the connection with his mother when drinking, and enjoying Greek music with friends and family. He considers his Th ea (Aunty) during a coffee cup fortune reading, has mindfulness of his friend Joes uncomfortableness of homosexuality and Aris though struggling with Joe growing up he chooses to remain without external comment on these matters. Moreover, the acceptance of Johnno (Yianni) Toula as a valid member of society, to which Ari himself admires Johnnos (Yianni) strength to transform himself into Toula, a brave move within the Greek community and Australia at the time. Although the reader is witness to Aris interactions, internal and external dialogue, comparatively Ari through action versus his inner dialogue towards family and friends presents the desire to be included. The paradox, Ari in Loaded is an agent of his exclusion, throughout Loaded, Tsiolkas failure to adhere to mainstream morality and sexuality meant exclusion from the immigrant communal experience. (Frangos:13) Moreover, portrayed by Aris choice by not conveying his homosexuality his Greekness or Australianisms, to himself nor his parents. Inclusion is only on his terms during a period of emerging into adulthood, understanding his sexual and cultural identity while additionally conducting himself in self-destructive binges of unprotected sex with strangers, drug and alcohol use, as he divides of his home city into negative quarters to which he does not identify as an actual community. Thus, Aris denial of identity in a time of confusion and rebellion as a teen verging on adulthood. He denies himself of social inclusion which notably he replaces with his walkman playing selected soundtracks to survive the everyday. Although at brief moments Ari is compelled to be included within his so cial network of family and friends he shifts from the Greek music, contemporary music and movie loving teen to A dedicated non-conformist, he rejects media culture for its second-rate quality, levelling effect and mass appeal. He also abhors the shackling traditions of his Greek community, which he harshly criticises. (Vernay:44) Tsiolkas, therefore, presents Ari to the reader with secret identity issues and self-abuse during a difficult period of growing up showing how destructive self-exclusion from the community can impact on the personal perception of self. Additionally, though the community is not a utopia when included can bring with it belonging. Shakespeares Antony in Antony and Cleopatra struggles between Roman Stoicism and Egyptian Epicureanism, fuelled by a social and internal conflict between his love for Cleopatra and the expectations from the Roman Empire. Antony, formerly a Roman hero who won his position and admiration of the Roman community as one of the three leaders of Rome. Although, Shakespeare introduces Antony proclaiming his love for Cleopatra denouncing the Roman empire and his role within it. To which the next scene Antony is struggling with this proclamation, fearing the loss of his Roman identity while idle and enjoying the luxury Alexandria has offered him, recounting the glory days of his heroism, as a leader of Rome. Shakespeares use of two ideological and geographical places represents the opposing directions of the individualistic desire of Antony and the conflict between his reason, loyalty, and social expectations of both locations. Antonys duty, desire, socially expected obligations to Rome and hi s need to be indulgent of socially undesirable behaviour cause Antony to question his inclusion in both places but also his Roman-ness, the value he places in honour, as a part of his identity. Antony, nevertheless, participates in a deconstruction of his own not Antony identity at the opening of the play by resisting, ignoring, or attempting to replace his Roman-ness with a reconstruction based on his own desires and plans. (Galante: 9-10) Antony, recalls the joy and admiration of his inclusion in Roman society as a heroic champion of Rome, where is spontaneity and love of indulgence are celebrated and excepted, though frowned upon at times where his desires superseded the role Rome expected him to take. To assist Antony to his former glory, the arranged marriage of Octavians sister Octavia brought temporary peace, although Antony could not honour his marriage and returns to his desires back to Alexandria and Cleopatra; which Octavian himself questions Antonys loyalty: No way excuse his foils when we do bear So great weight in his lightness. If he filled His vacancy with his voluptuousness, Full surfeits and the dryness of his bones Call on him fort. But to confound such time That drums him from his sport and speaks as loud As his own state and ours, tis to be chid As we rate boys who, being mature in knowledge, Pawn their experience to their present pleasure And so rebel to judgment. (1.4.3) Shakespeare) While battling between self-desire and indulgence Antony is defeated by both Cleopatra and Octavian to which Antony is forced to face himself, and the exclusion he had created. The reality of Antonys fickle and unstable identity is an amalgamation of the opposites, he doesnt seem to have control over himself and is tantalised by discourses cruel play, he is not the engineer of his identity, and every contingent event drives in different directions. (Mohamadi:19). In defeat in battle and love, the struggle of only knowing victory as a part of identity excludes Antony more so, complaining to his attendant Eros, he feels himself changing, transitioning from one character to another as he attempts to restore his esteem and former identity to himself. Defeated, with false information on Cleopatras death sent by Cleopatra herself, rather than amending his character and social inclusion which incorporated loss. His choice to attempt to restore his identity as a unvanquished hero is by suici de believing his honour would be restored, and his name and story, therefore, included in Roman society as a legend of Rome. Shakespeares tragedy of the fall of Antony, the hero, shows as Fukuyama suggests inclusion is only successful when a person conducts themselves within the shared norms of society, Antonys waywardness and loss of what included him within Roman society ultimately created a self-righteous suicide. Comparatively, Ari is at a crossroads, at a confusing time while transitioning into adulthood, discovering his sexuality while struggling with cultural identity resulting in his extreme behaviour and exclusion from the community, through drug use and nihilism, though still enjoying his self-selected inclusion. Antony formerly had inclusion which gave him power and options, to which by choice excluded himself to pursue his desires, only to espouse the inclusion of his homeland he once had. Both protagonists have control of their inclusion and exclusion within their community both choosing to exclude themselves due to desire and resulting in both losing their identities, connectedness, and ultimately wanting a place of belonging. Moreover, Loaded ends knowing Ari is out there lost within himself and disconnected; the reader is left hopeful he will find inclusion socially and with self. Unfortunately, Antony story ends with his death; the reader is left to ponder if he lived could he ha ve brought back the heroic Antony from the lessons learnt. Tsiolkas Loaded, and Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra are from different eras and are of a different genre, but both present geographical separation and the impact society has on self and expected norms for inclusion. The Authors allow the reader to witness the tension individualism creates when it excludes those against the social standards of the community, and the joy that acceptance can bring when the personal desire is put aside to embrace community expectations in return. Bibliography: Frangos, Marina. Diaspora is a Greek Word: Words by Greeks on the Diaspora. Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, Literature and Language, Vol. 1: Iss. 1, (2016) Article 3. Fukuyama, F. Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. New York: Free Press (1995). 25 Galante, Paul. Yet cannot hold this visible shape: Antonys Roman identity crisis in William Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra . Theses and Dissertations. (2001) Paper 691. Mohamadi, Abolfazl. Constructive Power and Discordant Discourses in Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Online: [SciPress Ltd., Switzerland and University of Tehran, Iran] Vol. 58, (2015) 18-24. The Shakespeare Head Press. The complete works of William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra. Wordsworth Editions, Clays Ltd, St Ives plc (1996) 924-964 Tsiolkas, Christos. Loaded. Random House Australia: ePUB ISBN: 9781742743882 (2011) 1-162 Vernay, Jean-FrancÃÅ' §ois. Only Disconnect-Canonizing Homonormative Values: Representation and the Paradox of Gayness in Christos Tsiolkass Loaded. Antipodes, Vol. 20, No. 1 Wayne State University Press (2006) 41- 45. Additional references Crane, Mary Thomas. Roman World, Egyptian Earth: Cognitive Difference and Empire in Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra. Comparative Drama, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2009) 1-17. Hauthal, Janine.Writing back or writing off? Europe as tribe and traumascape in works by Caryl Phillips and Christos Tsiolkas, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Vol.51, No. 2, (2015) 208-219. Ricard, Nathalie Effects of Social Exclusion and Inclusion on Basic Needs Satisfaction, Self-Determined Motivation, the Orientations of Interpersonal Relationships, and Behavioural Self-Regulation. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing [ProQuest Dissertations and Theses] (2011) 1-159.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Noise Pollution: Practical Solutions to a Serious Problem Essay
 Noise Pollution:  Practical Solutions to a Serious Problem            Noise pollution is a growing concern for most Americans. It is a problem because many city, suburban, and rural areas are affected. Noise creeps into our cars, our homes, and schools and disrupts everything. Noise pollution is a more harmful pollutant than most think. Medical evidence proves that noise can have detrimental physical and psychological effects upon a person. It is a danger to one's mental health, it interrupts the learning development of children, and it hinders sleep. The physical consequences of short-term exposure to noise pollution can result in higher blood pressure and cholesterol increase (Bullock- Loughran 12,13). Medical evidence proves that prolonged exposure to noises can cause persistent health problems such as ulcers or hypertension (Thomas 20, Bullock- Loughran 12). There have been cases where heart attacks have occurred in individuals with already present cardiac problems. One common and harmful form of noise pollution, aircraft noise, has amazing effects on one’s physical health. A study conducted in the early eighties proved that people residing within 3 miles of the Los Angeles International Airport had a higher death rate of 19% than the death rate of those residents six miles away from the airport. Similar conclusions occurred at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (Thomas 20). Along with the physical effects, there are psychological issues related to noise pollution. A psychological study concludes that humans may adapt to noise at times but random and unpredictable noise may eventually cause some deterioration in everyday activity (Thomas 18). Some people have even committed murder, used drugs,... ...y 1997: 5. McCabe, Michael. â€Å"Anti-Noise Crusaders Get Louder and Louder.† The San Francisco  Chronicle 19 Feb. 1998, final ed.: A1. Singleton, Janet. â€Å"Huh? Hear! Hear! Noise Pollution is No Joke.† The Denver Post 24  Apr. 1995, second ed.: E1. Sulski, Jim. â€Å"Tone It Down!; The Ins and Outs of Soundproofing a Noisy Dwelling.† Chicago Tribune 18 Sept. 1998, final ed.: C1+.  Thomas, Sharon M. â€Å"Perception of Airport Hazards by Land Users in the Vicinity of  Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.† Diss. Arizona State University, 1980. Ward, W. Dixon. â€Å"Noise-induced Hearing Loss.† Noise and Society. Ed. Dylan M. Jones and Antony J. Chapman. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1984. 77-109. Young, Leslie A. â€Å"Sonic Boomers; Clinton’s Hearing Aid Catches His Generation’s Ear† Mountain News 14 Oct. 1997, D3. Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Basics of Ict
Define the term â€Å"computer†in detail and describe different generations of computer. Q. 3 What are input devices? Explain it with the help of different examples. Q. 4 The major and positive influences of CIT can be seen in many different fields/ areas such as education, business, training and health etc. Select any one area and explain with the help of examples? Q. 5 Write a note on the following: I) Microprocessor, Main Memory and Secondary Storage Devices Electronic Mail (e-mail) ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 Total Marks: 100 Q. 1 What is meant by software? Explain different types of software, development of software and software distribution.Q. 2 What is meant by operating system? Also describe different functions of an operating system. Network topologies with the help of suitable example. Q. 4 What is meant by the term multimedia? Also explain: a) Different components of multimedia. B) Different applications of multimedia. Q. 5 Explain any two high level computer languages along with important features. Course Code: 1431 (Bachelor Level) Course Title: Basics of CIT credit Hours: 3 (3+0) Session Offered: As per offering schedule Recommended Book: Computer Fundamentals by PC Sinai, BP Publications 4th Edition 2007 Audience/ Multimedia CD: Will be developedReference Book: Computer Literacy BASICS: A Comprehensive Guide to ICC by Connie Morrison and Dolores Wells (August 2009) 3rd Edition. Pre-Requisite: None Course Coordinator: Department of Computer Science, LILLO Teaching Methodology: Distance Learning/Online Course Introduction: The course is aimed to provide an outline of compute, its uses, development, Components, Input, Output devices, Hardware, and Software. The course also covers fundamentals and use of ‘CT. Course Objectives: After completing the course the students should be able to: 1.Understand the role and importance of CIT in today's society. . Identify various components of a computer system 3. Understand basics of data communication and n etworking of computer systems. 4. Understands basics of windows operating system and its functionality. 5. Understand basic concepts of multimedia and identify and use various multimedia components. 6. Understand basic concepts of computer languages. Evaluation Criteria: I) Assignments (02) 30% it) Final Examination 70% Course Outlines: Unit No. Introduction to CIT Introduction to CIT and definitions, CIT Application Examples, CIT as an Aid to Unit No. 2 Overview and Organization of Computers History and Development of Computer, Generations of Computer, Types of Computer, Classification of Computer, Applications of Computer, Buses, Ports, Microprocessor, Main Memory, Motherboard of Computer System, Secondary Storage Devices. Unit No. 3 Input Devices Keyboard Devices, Point and Draw Devices, Digitized, Speech Recognition Devices, Data Scanning Devices (Image Scanner, OCCUR, OMAR, BCC, MICE), Electronic Card Reader, and Vision-leant System.Unit No. 4 Output Devices Monitor (Graphic Ad opter, Size, Resolution, and Types of Monitors), Printers and Types (Dot-Matrix, Ink Jet, Drum, Chain/Band, and Laser), Plotters (Raster & Pen), Presentation Graphics, Special Function Terminal (Tams, POSS.), Multimedia Projector, and Voice Response Systems (Voice Reproduction System, Speech Synthesizer). Unit No. 5 Computer Software Introduction, How Software Work
Friday, November 8, 2019
Boyz N The Hood Essays - Hood Films, Crips, English-language Films
Boyz N The Hood Essays - Hood Films, Crips, English-language Films Boyz N The Hood MOVING BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES: HOW THE USE OF MUSIC DEVELOPS JOHN SINGLETON'S BOYZ N THE HOOD John Singleton's movie Boyz N The Hood is the story of three young men who are forced to deal with the reality of life in South Central, Los Angeles. Singleton uses this setting to illustrate the obstacles facing these young black men who unavoidably encounter violence all around them. Singleton refrains from portraying his characters as inner-city misfits but instead he characterizes them as average American teenagers who are caught in a situation in which they have no control. Doughboy is an average American teenager but his behavior is not that of an average teenager. It is a result of the influence from the society he has experienced. The music used throughout the movie allows the film to move beyond the boundaries of just telling a story. Through the use of music in the film Singleton is able to accentuate significant situations and display the contrast between characters. The use of music in Boyz N The Hood allows Singleton to thematically advance the film. Singleton magnifies significant situations through the use of music. With each song, the choice of instruments and lyrics creates an emotional response by the viewer which gives the scene a new dimension. The main instrument in the movie is the wailing saxophone. When the saxophone is played it allows for the intensity of the scene to build to its climax. The saxophone is utilized in the scenes in which a person breaks into Furious's house and when Ricky is shot. The saxophone is always present when violence is going to take place. The other type of instrumental music that is used is a soft, slow sound which creates a feeling of relaxation and tenderness. This type of music is used when Tre is receiving a lesson from one of his parents. The soft music played during these moments illustrates his parent's loving nature and the concern they both have about his future. By utilizing this symbolic background music, Singleton expresses to the audience that the parent's feelings are authenti c. Many scenes are emphasized through the lyrics of the music. When Tre is in the car with his father the lyrics Things are gonna get easier can be heard in the background. These lyrics convey the message that things will get easier for Tre now that he's living with his father and that his father has the opportunity to teach Tre how to become a man, which is what Tre's mother anticipated. Singleton's selective use of music enables him to empathize certain situations and add a new dimension to them. The differences between characters is established through the diverse styles of music. The differences between each character is regarding age, lifestyle, and future aspirations. The music connected with Tre and his friends when they are young is soft instrumental music and soul music. Soft instrumental music and soul music displays the innocence of childhood and the potential for a child to be successful in life. Rap music is introduced when Tre and his friends mature seven years. The rap music is a sharp contrast to the music of their childhood. The lyrics of the rap music deal with drugs and violence. This is associated with the harsh reality of living in South Central, Los Angeles. The choice of lifestyle for the characters in Boyz N The Hood divides the characters into two distinct groups: upper and lower class. An example of this class distinction is demonstrated when Furious is on the phone with Tre's mother. The music playing in the background for Furious is soul music, which is associated with blue-collar, lower class society. Whereas Tre's mother has a piano playing in the background, which displays her place in upper class society. These two distinct styles of music illustrate how music separates the two different classes of people in Boyz N The Hood. The future aspirations of the teenagers in the movie further divides the characters. Tre and Ricky look to the future in search of a way to escape the violence in the hood and a way to create a better life for themselves. At the other end of the spectrum
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Reading Quiz on Why I Want a Wife
Reading Quiz on Why I Want a Wife Judy Bradys definition of a wife was first published in the feminist magazine Ms in December 1971. Since then, it has been widely reprinted. After reading the essay, take this short quiz, and then compare your responses with the answers on page two. According to Judy Brady in the essay â€Å"Why I Want a Wife,†what sparked in her the realization that she, too, would like to have a wife†?(A) a quarrel with her husband(B) an encounter with a male friend fresh from a recent divorce(C) an argument with her parents(D) a run-in with an old girlfriend who still hadn’t married(E) a recent divorce, which left her with five children to raise on her ownIn the opening sentences of Why I Want a Wife, the author classifies herself according to two roles that she plays. What are those roles?(A) wife and husband(B) mother and daughter(C) wife and worker(D) wife and mother(E) slave and mistressIn the essay â€Å"Why I Want a Wife,†which one of the following items does Judy Brady not say that she wants?(A) the liberty to replace my present wife with another one(B) a wife who will take care of the details of my social life(C) a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs(D) a wife who will not bother me with rambling comp laints about a wife’s duties(E) a wife who will make so much money that I will never have to work again In the essay â€Å"Why I Want a Wife,†which one of the following desires does the author state directly?(A) I want a wife who will work and send me to school.(B) I want my husband to earn more money.(C) I want my wife to go back to school.(D) I want my mother to stop telling me how to raise my children.(E) I want to be single again.What is the final line of Judy Bradys essay Why I Want a Wife?(A) My God, who wouldnt want a wife?(B) I want to be single again.(C) I want a wife who will leave me alone.(D) My God, why would anyone want to be a wife?(E) Dear God, why am I a wife? Answers to the Reading Quiz on Why I Want a Wife by Judy Brady (B) an encounter with a male friend fresh from a recent divorce(D) wife and mother(E) a wife who will make so much money that I will never have to work again(A) I want a wife who will work and send me to school.(A) My God, who wouldnt want a wife?
Monday, November 4, 2019
Managerial Accounting for Decision Making Essay
Managerial Accounting for Decision Making - Essay Example Horngren and Sundem, 1990. P- 4’ (MACINTOSH & QUATTRONE. 2010) Management accounting system is a part of the larger control system in the organization used to measure, monitor and motivate the managers and employees in the organization and also to coordinate with the other components of the organization like machine, information, material and technologies etc. For a robust control system it is necessary for the entire control mechanism to support each other, management accounting system can play a great part in coordinating and controlling all the activities in the organization. (MACINTOSH & QUATTRONE. 2010) Management accounting system not only helps in planning and coordinating activities of the organization but also plays a vital role in performance measurement and decision making by providing information for managers to make timely decisions, to be effective and efficient in the execution of the business and to improve overall performance of the organization. ... between financial and management accounting for which one thinks that they both perform the same function like both are used in the reporting purpose and helps managers in analyzing the company’s performance and take action for control. But it’s important to mark the differences and benefits that management accounting can solely provide to the organization. Financial accounting is used at the end of the financial year when auditors come for the audit. They work on the historical data that how company performed during the year and prepare their report for the shareholders confirming company’s accounts give a true and fair view. Management accounting however is used to provide information for managers only on a continuous basis that is it doesn’t wait for the financial year to end. It is forward looking and focuses on information that managers can use to make decisions for the future. Therefore if company has issues and loopholes in the control and informati on systems it can be corrected right on time. Management accounting system in short makes the managers adopt a more forward looking approach for the business. (NEEDLES, POWERS & CROSSON .2010) Part A. 2. Identify from the case study the reasons why Tania thinks that Nosystem Limited should install a management accounting system Analyzing the case given it could be argued that Nosystem needs to install management accounting system. As Tania emphasized that Nosystem is a growing organization now there is a growing need for the planning, control and coordinating activities. By installing management accounting system Nosystem can plan its activities at all levels that is strategic, tactical and operational levels to achieve the ultimate goal and objective of the company mentioned in the mission statement. Further
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Any topic you think is good for my paper 'but look to the assigment Assignment
Any topic you think is good for my paper 'but look to the assigment sheet befour u start' - Assignment Example Using logos as a means of persuasion, Boot provided narrative details of historical claims and identified nautical miles that establish sovereignty to lands according to international law. Likewise, incidents of current events that detail both countries’ active claim through positioning respective vessels in the area have been detailed. The apparent lack of support and active participation of the United States, known as an ally to the Philippines proven by a 1951 treaty, was likewise allegedly established through assuming a neutral stance. The author used ethos by establishing his credibility as a â€Å"senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of the forthcoming (book)†(Boot par. 13). By indicating that he is not among the two claiming parties’ citizen, he appeared to present objective and unbiased arguments on this matter. Through establishing appropriate logical reasoning, the author effectively established logos as a rhetorical appeal and has likewise appropriately used ethos to credibly confirm his unbiased character as an author and to provide an objective report on the subject of
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Bit Coin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bit Coin - Essay Example Bit Coins can also be sent and received by the users after paying an optional transaction fees by using their mobile device, web application or wallet software of their computers. This payment system is used by businesses as well as customers for carrying out transactions. It is one of the most secure payment systems and therefore it has succeeded to grab the attention of many merchants (The Bitcoin Foundation ). Through Bit Coin it is easy to send and receive payment instantly from any part of the world, without any limitations. Bit Coins give the users the full access to their money. Another advantage of bit coin is that the payment is processed with small or no transaction fees. A transaction fee is optional if the users want their payment confirmation to be processed faster by the network. The merchant processor present in the system guides the merchant in payment transaction. Bit coin transaction is irreversible, secure and does not require the personal and sensitive information of the customers. This protects the users from losses occurred as the result of fraud and also there is no such need for PCI compliance. Bit Coin helps the merchants to expand in a market where credit cards are not available and where the rate of fraud is unacceptably high. Bit Coin system gives the users the full control of a transaction and therefore the merchant may not impose unnoticed or unwanted charges on the customer, the way it happens in other payment systems. Bit coin payments do not require the personal information of the users, which provides the customers protections against identity theft. The Bit Coins users may also protect their money with backup and encryption. Many people are still not aware about the concept of Bit Coin. With every passing day more and more businesses are adopting the Bit Coin payment system but still there is a need for the list to grow more, so that they may benefit from the network affect. The value of Bit Coin circulation and the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Marketing an Introduction Essay Example for Free
Marketing an Introduction Essay Micro environment Marketing management their job is to build strong relationships with customers by creating customer value and satisfaction. But marketing managers cannot do this alone. Marketing success will require building relationships with other company departments, suppliers , marketing intermediaries , customers , competitors and various publics. The company Marketing managers must work closely with other company departments. Other departments have an impact on the marketing departments plans and actions. All of these functions must â€Å"think consumer†. Suppliers Suppliers form an important link in the company’s overall customer value delivery system. They provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and services. Supplier problems can seriously affect marketing. Rising supply costs may force price increases that can harm the company’s sales volume. Marketers build strong relationships with its suppliers. Marketing intermediaries Marketing intermediaries help the company to promote , sell and distribute its products to final buyers. Includes resellers , physical distribution firms , marketing services agencies and financial intermediaries. * Resellers : distribution channel firms that help the company find customers or make sales for them. These include wholesalers and retailers who buy and resell merchandise. * Physical distribution firms : Help the company to stock and move goods from their points of origin to their destinations. * Marketing services agencies : Marketing research firms , advertising agencies , media firms , and marketing consulting firms. * Financial intermediaries : Banks , credit companies , insurance companies and other financial institutions or insurance institutions against the risks associated with the buying and selling of goods. Today’s marketers know the importance of working with their intermediaries as partners. Competitors A company must provide greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors do. Marketers need to do more than simply adapt to the needs of their customers. You need a strategy as a firm. Publics Public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives. There are seven types of publics 1) Financial publics : This group influences the company’s ability to obtain funds 2) Media publics : This group carries news , features and editorial opinion. 3) Government publics : Management must take government developments into account. (Product safety , truth in advertising and other matters) 4) Citizen-action public : A company’s marketing decisions may be questioned by consumer organizations , environmental groups , minority groups and others. PR can help to stay in touch with consumers and citizen groups 5) Local publics : Relation with neighborhood residents and community organizations. 6) General public : The general public and their opinions and the company and their products 7) Internal publics : Workers , managers , volunteers and the board of directors. Customers Customers are the most important actors in the company’s micro environment. The main point is to serve the consumer and make them your customer. 1) Consumer market : Households and individuals 2) Business market :buy goods or services for further processing. 3) reseller markets : Buy goods or services to resell it at a profit 4) Government markets : Buy goods or services to produce publics services or transfer the goods to those who need them. 5) International markets : Buyers in other countries could be consumers , business , resellers and governments. Macro environment External factors that may be a threat to a company. There are 6 macro environmental elements: Demographic Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size , density , location , age , gender , race , occupation and other statistics. Demography has a huge impact on marketing because it involves people and people make up markets. The world ‘s large and highly diverse population poses both opportunities and challenges. Marketers have to keep a close watch on the demographic trends and developments in their markets , at home and abroad. Generations : * Baby boomers : Born between 1946-1964. One of the most powerful forces shaping the marketing environment. They have had many good years but now with a sharp decline in stock prices and home values , many baby boomers are now spending more carefully and planning to work longer. * Generation X : Born between 1965-1976. They lie in the shadow of the baby boomers. Not materialistic. First generation of parental divorce and working moms. â€Å"The MTV generation†. They are spending more carefully. Many companies are focusing one Generation X als target segment. * Millennials/Generation Y : Born between 1977-2000 This group includes several age cohorts Tweens (9-12) Teens (13-18) Young adults (19-32) With a big purchase power they are an attractive market for business. This generation is fluent with the digital technology. They don’t embrace technology , it is a way of life. Generational Marketing : Do marketers have to make different products for each generation ? Defining people by their birthdate may be less effective than segmenting them by their lifestyle , life stage or the common values they seek in products they buy. The traditional household has disappeared and marketers must increasingly consider the special needs of non-traditional households , because they are now growing more rapidly than traditional households. Each group has distinctive needs and buying habits. Geographic shifts : People move all the time. Such population shifts interest marketers because people in different regions buy differently. (Migration from North to South , East to West , City to suburban areas etc) Better educated population : The rising number of well educated people will increase the demand for quality products , books , magazines, travel , personal computers and internet services. Increasing diversity : Countries vary in their ethnic and racial make up. One nation has just one culture and another nation has loads of cultures within their own culture. Marketers have to take that in account nowadays. They make products to one or more groups. But it can also be differences in your sexual orientation that marketers take in account. Another diversity segment is for adults with disabilities. Marketers take advantage of opportunities in fast growing segments. Economic Environment Consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns. Marketers must pay close attention to major trends and consumer spending patterns. Nations vary greatly in their levels and distribution of income. Some countries have industrial economies , which constitute rich markets for many different kinds of goods. Subsistence economies : They consume most of their own agricultural and industrial goods. In between are developing economies which can offer outstanding marketing oppurtunities for the right kind of products. Changes in income and spending : People could spend loads of money until the economic crisis showed up. The economic meltdown has been psychologically wrenching after a quarter century of prosperity. People live back to basic and adopted their lifestyle , and their spending pattern. Marketers are now trying to give people good quality for a good and fair price. Marketers should pay attention to income distribution as well as income levels. Changing consumer spending patterns : Consumers of different income levels have different spending patterns. Engel’s law : When the income increases , the percentage spent on food declines , the percentage spent on housing remains constant and the percentage spent on most other categories and that devoted to savings increase. Natural Environment Involves the natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities. Environmental concerns have grown the last three decades. Global warming is a hot issue. Marketers should be aware of several trends in the natural environment. First involves growing shortages of raw material such as water pollution and air pollution. Second is increased pollution : The industry will amost always damage the quality of the natural environment ( Chemical and nuclear wastes) Third trend is increased government intervention in natural resource management. One government cares more than the other. Today companies are developing strategies and practices that support environmental sustainability an effort to create a world economy that the planet can support indefinitely. The consumer responds with an increasing demand for environmental responsible products. Other companies are developing recyclable or biodegradable packaging , recycled materials and components , better pollution controls , and more energy-efficient operations. Technological environment The technological environment is perhaps the most dramatic force now , shaping our destiny. Technology has created miracles with medicines , surgery , electronics and internet. But also horrors as nuclear weapons m chemical weapons and assault rifles. The technological environment changes rapidly. New technologies creates new markets and opportunities. However every new technology replaces an old one. Marketers should keep themselves up to date or soon their products will be outdated. As products and technology become more complex , the public needs to know that these are safe. Thus the government agencies investigate and ban potentially unsafe products. Political and Social Environment Marketing decisions are strong affected by developments in the political environment. It consists laws , government agencies and pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and individuals in a given society
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Johnson And Johnson Strategic Plans
Johnson And Johnson Strategic Plans Introduction is formed as the brief background of Johnson Johnson. The focus of this report will be placed on JJs subsidiary Johnson Johnson, Group of Consumer Companies, Inc. Johnson Johnson. We will be focusing and relating this report on the baby product line of Johnson Johnson. The strategic initiatives of Johnson Johnson `s skills, strategy, staff, structure, system, staff and shared value will be discussed and examine in this report. We looked into their company functions so as to better understand them to enable effective decision makings. A political economic analysis is conducted to provide global risk insights for Johnson Johnson that is beneficial to JJ manage those risks as potential and risk. In relation to Johnson Johnson `s baby care products, Porter`s forces model is used to analyze the competitive advantage of the firm. One of the key understandings is that the middle-high rivalry is present with less number of competitors on Baby Care product line from competitor like California Baby, Simple. SWOT analysis show that Johnson Johnson holds strong competitive advantages after comparing its pros and cons despite of a few disadvantages of global standardization strategy. The growth strategy of Johnson Johnson will be selected based on both int ernal and external environment factor for the three years plan. These diagnoses are in reference to the SWOT analysis based on the company resources assets, intellectual property, and people. Lastly, the modes of entry will be affected by the several internal factors in this report. It comprises of internal requirement, technology know-how, management know-how as well as pressure for cost reduction. The recommendation part would provide several suggestions for the improvement of Johnson Johnson through the organization structure and Human Resource Management. Introduction We have chosen to work on Johnson and Johnson (JJ) for our strategic global business solutions project report for it is a global American pharmaceutical, medical devices and consumer packaged goods manufacturer founded in 1886. With more than 250 subsidiary companies located in 57 countries around the world and having its products sold in over 175 countries, JJ is a listed company evident with its listing among Fortune 500 and registering its stock with NASDAQ (NYSE: JNJ). With a diverse range of products sold in global markets, JJ adopted the business strategy of global standardization whereby there is limited customization needed for its products for focus is placed on having customers recognise and identify JJ as a household brand. Focus of this report will be placed on JJs subsidiary Johnson Johnson, Group of Consumer Companies, Inc. Strategic Initiative of Johnson Johnson Skills As Johnson Johnson is a global manufacturer with many subsidiaries on a global scale, JJ would hire its employees through a stringent process of selection and focus on ones performance. This implies that JJ recruits people of experience and ability with a global mindset hires third-country national (TCN), indicating that recruitment of people is mainly dependent on being consistent with JJs organizational structure. Strategy With the objective of market growth and maximizing profits in order to be responsible to their stockholders, JJ adopted the business strategy of global standardization. Choice of global standardization strategy is because JJs focus is placed on lowering costs and that there is limited need for customization of products for it generally the same other than slight changes in the products packaging. Staff The employees of JJ can be said to be well motivated to work for JJ has provided their staff with many incentives ranging from personal to performance benefits (i.e. annual incentive bonus, long-term incentive awards, and severance benefits). As JJ have high expectations on their employees, JJ sends their staff on regular employee training that clocks an average of 8 hours or more yearly (i.e. leadership development and management education in fields like finance and marketing). JJ also makes sure that their employees are motivated by giving them the right to voice ones opinion on company issues through JJs Credo survey. Structure JJs organizational structure is dictated by its corporate strategy. JJ initially adopted a decentralized approach to management but in the early 1900s, changed it to a more standardized approach for JJs top executives noticed that their subsidiaries are not well-positioned on a global platform to serve customers directly. The change in corporate management allowed JJ to mitigate limitations posed by the decentralization approach. One instance would be JJ having categorized all subsidiaries into three categories namely, consumer, pharmaceutical and professional. The chairman of each category is given the responsibility of identifying opportunities for leveraging services and expertise across companies in every market and the franchise managers assigned the responsibility of coordinating cross-company sales of a family of products (e.g. baby care products in US, France, Australia). The centralized management approach benefits JJ for it gives JJs top management a better view of its glob al operations and are able to effectively manage and integrate its global operations. This led to the success of JJ in being globally effective in terms of operations for cost of production is lowered in terms of reducing redundancies and duplications during the processing and manufacturing process. Systems In the business of health care, Johnson Johnson is inspired and united by a common purpose: to care for the health and well-being of the people they serve around the world. Caring drives the people of Johnson Johnson in their aim to make the world a better and healthier place through everything that they do. It is core to their business strategy and initiatives, the programs and partnerships which they build, the positions that they take on public policy issues, and their care for the environment. As the company moves forward, it continues to push the innovation envelope as coordinated activities under the centralized control, infusing superior technology and ingenuity into every product they make and every project which the company undertakes. The procedure of the JJ functions as a system in which build from within organization, as 95% of their people start at entry level and then progress and prosper throughout the organization. This not only creates many wonderful opportunities to grow and advance, it creates a special camaraderie among fellow JJers, many of whom came up through the ranks together. Johnson Johnson came up with this credo which speaks about their mission statements, views and their pledges to the customers and society. Robert Wood Johnson, former chairman from 1932 to 1963 and a member of the Companys founding family, crafted Our Credo himself in 1943, just before Johnson Johnson became a publicly traded company. This was long before anyone ever heard the term corporate social responsibility. WILLIAMC.WELDON is the chairman, Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Johnson. He takes pride in the organization work procedures and describe their operation of their day-to-day work is about their response to the unmet needs of their patients and customers and also their response to the needs of their colleagues; their response to supporting the global communities in which they live and work; finally, their response to the call for research and innovation in health care. Style The parent company of Johnson Johnson which is Procter Gamble (PG) has been pioneering products in nearly 50 different categories and their baby product line will be the function in which this report will be focusing on. As the company moves forward, it continues to push the innovation envelope every day, infusing superior technology and ingenuity into every product they make and every project which the company undertakes. The procedure of the JJ functions as a system in which build from within organization, as 95% of their people start at entry level and then progress and prosper throughout the organization. This not only creates many wonderful opportunities to grow and advance, it creates a special camaraderie among fellow JJers, many of whom came up through the ranks together. This also explains why their hiring process is so rigorous. JJ `s system is as such that they are not just offering a job, they expect you to grow into one of their future leaders. From day one youll help develop or support exciting brands you know while working on projects that have a direct impact on their global, $61.9 billion sales in 2009. Shared Values Johnson Johnson`s management style of helping to shape and define what health and well-being means in everyday lives. Their products, services, ideas and giving now touch the lives of at least one billion people every day. They credit their strength and endurance to a consistent approach to managing their business, and to the character of their people. They are guided in everything they do by their Credo, a management document authored more than 60 years ago by Robert Wood Johnson, former chairman from 1932 to 1963, and by four strategic principles. Their company style is deeply rooted in their Credo and deeply in filtered into their employees and leaders. Johnson Johnson `s system is such that their overarching philosophy which guides their business is their Credo, a deeply held set of values that have served as the strategic and moral compass for generations of Johnson Johnson leaders and employees. Above all, their Credo challenges them to put the needs and well-being of the people they serve first. It also speaks to the responsibilities they have to their employees, to the communities in which we live and work and the world community, and to our shareholders. They believe their Credo is a blueprint for long-term growth and sustainability thats as relevant today as when it was written. The company behavioral style is that their values embodied in their Credo guide the actions of the people of the Johnson Johnson Family of Companies at all levels and in all parts of the world. They have done so for more than 60 years. These Credo values extend to their accounting and financial reporting responsibilities. Their management is responsible for timely, accurate, reliable and objective financial statements and related information. As such: They maintain a well-designed system of internal accounting controls. They encourage strong and effective corporate governance from their Board of Directors. They continuously review their business results and strategic choices. They focus on financial stewardship. Synergistic teams All of the above of Johnson Johnson `s skills, strategy, staff, structure, system, staff and shared value formed together and worked in cohesively to form a synergistic team of workforce that oversee the entire operation from sourcing materials ,production lines ,manufacturing to research and development (RD). It is seen as that a synergy is the energy or force created by the working together of various parts or processes. In Johnson Johnson, the baby care products are the result of synergy and quality reassurance as promise by the company. External Environment Environment cannot be controlled; therefore we should analyze the environment first then indicate the strategy that also reflects the organization structure subsequently. Political Economy Analysis The political economy of a nation defines the forms of interdependence amongst the political, economic, and legal systems, and also reflects they interact and influence each other. Political systems The system of government in a nation defined as political system which divided the 200 plus world entities into 2 dimensions that include the degree of collectivism versus individualism and the degree of democracy versus totalitarianism. More practically, individuals would be tied together to achieve the common or collective goals in the high context country, like South Korea, Japan, those people focus on the benefits of society and long-term relationship; individualism means democratic political systems and free market economies like Americans have free rights to vote in election. Myanmar, North Korea act as the totalitarianism that government absolutely controlled by one person or political party. Whereas, China exist the grey area that it has been a move toward greater individual free market economies, but the government is still a totalitarian dictatorship. If the political systems are high stable, the company would be decentralized; otherwise, the company would concentrate in the low stable situation. Although the political systems in say Japan (i.e. change in 3 prime ministers since 2007) is relatively unstable as compared to that of other Asian countries like Singapore, the Japanese government is more open in terms of local market entrance of multinational companies. Economic systems In market economy, production is determined by the interaction of demand and supply; besides, the government encourages free and fair competition between private producers, the representatives of governments like the Great Britain, US and France. The objective of command economy is the good of society; all businesses are state owned in command economy, such as Thailand, South Korea, and Indonesia. India is the typical example of mixed economy in which certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms while other sectors have state significant ownership and government planning. The company would decentralize in the consistent economy system or concentrate in the inconsistent economy system. Legal systems For a business that operates globally, understanding the different legal systems play an important role of the process. Legal aspects help to facilitate business operations so therefore it is very crucial and a necessity for international business operators to have an understanding of the different legal systems around the world. Companies must take into consideration the legal structures of the country in which they operate in. Globalization breaks down barriers between nations and bring nation together in a global platform. But increasing investment among nations also makes it more difficult for those in different cultures to understand the rules of other countries. It is important to follow the legal system of the country in which business is conducted or the government has the right to have legal actions taken should laws be not comply. International Business Laws Businesses operate in a world in which the laws of different governments and judicial systems might conflict as they originated from different cultures. It is therefore necessary to have a basic knowledge of the legal system and also understand how does business law impacts commerce in the companys own country and overseas. The impacts of international business on business law facilitate the inclusion of standards in their company regulations or operations that address these tricky and complex issues. Social cultural environment According to Geert Hofstede Cultural Theory, the global social culture roughly classify as 4 dimensions which considered as costs. Individualism versus Collectivism The individualism and individual achievement is common in the Western Countries, both positive and negative implementation in individualism. The positive side is showed in competition between individuals rather than collective groups and the person get pay-for-performance motivation to compete within organization especially in the dynamism of US economy that encouraged person to take chances and tried new things with unique ideas (i.e. Steve Jobs). However, the individualists just focus task-based, they cannot develop a strong and long-term relationship with others which is the advantage of collectivism. US, Canada Australia is the classical individualist representatives that are different from Asia (i.e. South Korea, China) act as collectivists. Power Distance The degree of acceptance of hierarchy or inequality exists among the organization, the higher power distance (i.e. Japan, Vietnam) reflect in the decision making by the seniorities and reward as the status, position and experiences; in contrast, the decision making and authority took by the task representative and pay-for-performance reward represented in low power distance culture like Denmark and UK. Uncertainty Avoidance The degree of tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguous situation, the low uncertainty avoidance reflects the high risk taker and adaptability of new things (i.e. Australia, Singapore); the high uncertainty displayed the low tolerance for uncertainty issues like France and Italy, those countries need the structured organization or rules to obey so that French and Italians are difficult to overcome the culture shock when they sent as expatriate managers. Masculinity versus Femininity Whether the differences of work in gender roles accepted in society, Japan and China should be masculine society; the jobs of gender are distinct and form a male dominant society and person more focus on financial and material possessions. On the other hand, gender roles are overlapping in the femininity country, such as Thailand and Finland, people in those countries focus more on quality of life. Therefore, in the femininity countries, the purchasing power of lifestyle is relatively high which point out an appealing way to Johnson Johnson develop. Overall analysis Those external environments provide global risk insights for Johnson Johnson that is beneficial to JJ manage those risks as potential and risk to take advantage of the relative international business strategy to form and adapt organization structure in the long-term. Competitive Advantages Posters Five Forces Degree of Rivalry The middle-high rivalry is present with less number of competitors on Baby Care product line, like California Baby, Simple; but Johnson Johnson is dominant in the Baby Care industry and the economies of scale so that the firm reflects less intense competition. The cost of competitive advantage and promotions are relatively high, like the advertising and discounts; additionally, JJ has over hundreds history and good image of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) result them remain competitive rather than leave the industry. Next, the high rate of growth display the middle-high competitive situation overall in the industry. Threat of new entrants The threats of new entrants should be low despite of low barriers of entry in the lights of low costs of set-up. The brand equity of JJ is relatively high and it has great impacts in the industry so that a large number of suppliers prefer to sign contracts with it rather than the new entrants that benefit for enhancing suppliers brand and engaging more profits, Lafes Body Care is an example of new entrant who launch a new baby care product line in recent years. In addition to the switching costs for customers, customers are keen on the brand with quality guarantee using for baby or not the less discrepancy of prices. Threat of substitutes Some baby care products from say Pigeon Corporation and Drapolene are suggested by doctors (i.e. responsible to babies), but lack in brand awareness recognized by customers as renowned brands and those products are not easier to buy or package of those products are not portable for customers to bring; compared with them, Johnson Johnson baby care products differ from they could be bought in almost of all supermarkets under the world-wide distribution channels and be convenient to carry about. Hence, threats of substitutes should be low. Power of Buyers There are a lot of alternatives for customers contribute to the high bargaining power of customers, especially for the price-sensitive customers, who are prefer to the high-quality products with the lower costs in the traditional theory research. However, JJs Baby Care products are considered as the essential healthy pharmacy products for baby by an amount of loyal customers. All in all, the bargaining power of customers should be low-to-middle as its healthy baby brand image formed in customers mind around the world, even the adult females prefer to but baby products to care their skins. Power of Suppliers There are thousands of suppliers to provide the materials, goods and services that allow JJ Family of Companies to manufacture products, supply offices and other facilities to service customers around the world. JJ committed to working with small and diverse suppliers in terms of their abilities to support its long-run growth objectives and add value to its business through providing the innovative solutions to their marketing, manufacturing and RD efforts. Even though the various inputs from the suppliers, the competitive situations also exist among suppliers and large amount of substitute inputs contribute to the low power of suppliers. Financial environment Analysis on JJs operation results is essential for it allows its stakeholders to gain an insight on how JJ is performing on the global platform and whether the management strategy employed needs to be consistent or changed according to future market projections. Looking at JJs net sales figures in the last 5 years (Appendix 1), gathered from JJs 2009 annual report, we see a generally consistent growth in its net sales. Though there is a dip in worldwide sales figure of 2.9% ($61.9 billion) from 2008, this can be accounted with JJs spending on research and development ($7 billion) as well as acquisitions and collaborations. Although this will cause a reduction in JJs sales margin, it will benefit the organization in the long-run whereby profits will be reaped upon returns on investment. Currently, JJ is expanding its operations in the BRIC countries (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, and China) as well as other fast-developing markets. This should be a continued project of JJ for at least the next 3 years to maximize its profits and increase its global market share. This is inline with JJs organizational vision drive superior business results and sustainable competitive advantage. Internal Environment Value Chain JJs corporate vision, to maximise the global power of diversity and inclusion to drive superior business results and sustainable competitive advantage is in line with its corporate objective of profit and growth. Both JJs vision and focus has direct implication on its corporate structure. This is reflected upon the process within JJs value-chain. In terms of JJs organizational structure, Human resource management (HRM) plays a vital role in the direct success of JJ as an organization for it is the people, most valued asset, that contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of JJ. At present, JJ hires experienced and capable leaders to bring the organization to greater heights and JJ does not stop there. JJ provides all top executives in training which include leadership development and management education in fields like finance and marketing. JJ prioritizes on the professional development of every employee for JJ believe that they are capable in developing leaders within the organization by exposing them to diverse fields and giving employees heavier responsibilities to assess their ability. As mentioned above where staff motivation is important, we as consultants believe that JJ should continue to train their employees and appraise the performance of employees in the next three years. This is so that JJ would be able to make better use of their employees capabilities and talents and this will benefit the organization in the long-run when employees are loyal to JJ. Focusing on JJs consumer goods of baby products, the in-bound logistics ties in with operations before linking with outbound logistics, sales marketing and finally, providing businesses and consumers with service. JJs in-bound logistics would include the purchasing of raw materials needed for the manufacturing of baby products and storing the raw materials in various designated warehouses. Operations will then occur whereby factory employees would have to work along a production belt with the help of machines and maintain quality checks as well as bottling of baby products. JJ would then distribute the ready products into containers for shipment, in allocated warehouses or directly to retailers and distributors. To aid JJs employees in convenient dispersal of information to sales staff, they have made use of MultiAid to resolve all marketing resource management needs. This increases JJs operational efficiency and gives the organization a head start on asset management for product ima ge, captured data and distribution to retail trade communities is readily accessible to employees with one click on the computer system. With regards to sales and marketing, JJ advertises by relating consumers with real-life scenario whereby a mother bathes her baby with JJs baby products and having the statement of products for the ones you love. There are two types of service provided by JJ business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C). JJ provides its business partners and suppliers with business opportunities. This means that the degree of success experienced by JJ has direct impact and will benefit companies that do business with JJ. Consumers of JJ are exposed to gathering useful and relevant information when having purchased JJ baby products for JJ has formed a website ( and a online Baby Care Library to increase the closeness in customer interaction. SWOT Analysis Strengths (Internal) Weaknesses (Internal) Abundant financial resources Strong brand name Proprietary technology Respected brand image Wide product lines Economies of scale Committed employees Superior product quality Better marketing skills Good distribution skills Low customization Lack of flexibility Opportunities (External) Threats (External) Opening of foreign markets Rapid market growth Brand switching Demographic shifts Low barriers to entry Economic downturn Introduction of new substitutes products Rival firms adopting new strategies Strengths Johnson Johnson is a well-known healthcare brand which ranks No. 1 within the industry under one decade of its historical development with a wide variety of skincare products and superior product quality. Abundant financial resources are exploited by the RD department to employ the committed staff for creating and even innovating the hygiene products through proprietary technology and build up the respected brand image. Besides, it focus on product leadership excel at product development and professional skills so that it can offer customers the best products in the industry. As the facts show that, JJ expanded internationally around the world, like Asia (Singapore, China) that triggered by the better marketing skills. Additionally, the good world-wide distribution skills due to its global standardization strategy that allow JJ to generate great market shares by cost reduction that come from economies of scale and fast product development what based on stable relationship with local distribution agents and its respected brand image as well as superior product like baby care mainly. Weaknesses Global standardization is the main international business strategy to control cost but this also is its drawback that results in the low customization. In addition to the world-wide product structure, the managers lack of flexibility to face the challenge of changes in local markets. Opportunities In order to bring along the development of local economy, most of countries welcomes the international companies introduce their products to diversify the local economy. The increasing attentions of baby nurturance and its brand image prompt customers to purchase its products and grow rapidly in the global new markets. There is an opportunity to generate more market shares and enhance its brand image in the long-term in the lights of the rise in global demographic population reach to 7 billion that data collected from statistics of 2011, China and India act as the representatives; moreover, the superior product quality of JJ is the critical to attract customers switching from other brands. Threats JJ faces the threats of the low barriers to entry due to the low cost of set-up, and the proprietary product differences will be difficult to protect when the barriers are reduced so that the customers would switch to other brands more possibly. Another threat reflected by the economic downturn, JJ is difficult to manage the exchange rate risk under the global standardization strategy. Most important, JJ would be forced to stay at the passive threat that the customers would be attracted by its competitors and sales would be declined if rivalries adopting the new strategies. Outcome of SWOT Matrix Generally, Johnson Johnson holds strong competitive advantages after compare its pros and cons despite of few disadvantages of global standardization strategy. In another angle, JJ is able to switch the threats to opportunities in the lights of its calculus-based capability and resources. Growth Strategies adopted by Johnson Johnson There are both internal and external environments to be carefully evaluated when planning for a three years growth strategy plan for Johnson Johnson as what happen externally and internally will affect the company. These diagnoses are in reference to the SWOT analysis based on the company resources assets, intellectual property, and people. With careful consideration and by selecting market penetration growth strategy for a three year period, it will help them to gain more market shares through promotion and advertising from their strong marketing teams. Before planned the growth strategies, the firm should generate a lot of information about if the company is selling new, existing or emerging products in a new or existing market. From the diagnosis of the Porter`s model, understanding that the threats of new entrants are low and also credited to the high brand equity of Johnson Johnson, market penetration growth strategy defined by Ansoff is selected in the lights of situation that involves neither new markets nor new products, are forced to grow through this growth strategy. It is a strategy that is designed to give the business a greater percentage of market shares. Market penetration occurs when a company enters/penetrates a market with current products. This type of strategy usually seeks to gain a competitive edge through competitive pricing strategies, advertising, sales promotion, marketing or other strategic initia
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