Sunday, August 23, 2020
Split Sisters and Split Personalities of Goblin Market Essay -- Goblin
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
IRWD essays
IRWD expositions IRWD RECLAMATION PLANT, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA At the Irvine Ranch Water Districts Michelson Water Reclamation plant tertiary, treatment is given to recover wastewater. The technique joins and speeds up the procedure utilized ordinarily to clean water and to biodegrade squander material. Using Primary Clarification, Flow Equalization, Activated Sludge Process, Secondary explanation, Filtration, and Disinfection the IRWD arrives at its definitive objective of circulating recycled water. The office is imperative to wellbeing on the grounds that the IRWD channels water that is utilized in our parks which can be hazardous if not appropriately washed down. The outing to me was luring on the grounds that I was ignorant of the numerous parts of water treatment and was uncertain what precisely water recovery was. After the field trip I can say I am certainly increasingly proficient and worried about water recovery. Explanation is the procedure by which the water streams to the essential clarifiers which are settling bowls where slime settles to the base of the essential explanation tanks. The center treatment happens in this progression where normally happening microorganisms are utilized to disintegrate the natural material in the watershed. After the organisms have finished the activity of devouring waste material and expulsion of nitrogen the water streams to this auxiliary explanation where a modest quantity of aluminum sulfate is presented as the water leaves. Water first enters the plant at the headworks where it gets overwhelming mechanical screening. Bar rake screens trap huge flotsam and jetsam and screen wastewater. The water at that point leaves the headworks and streams into essential clarifiers which are settling bowls where the water is left for a considerable length of time in which a large portion of the dirts, called slime settle at the base of the bowl. The slop is then conveyed through underground funneling to the County Sanita ... <!
Friday, July 10, 2020
Essay Topics - What Do I Find Interesting?
Essay Topics - What Do I Find Interesting?Journalism Essay Topics are often extremely important to a journalism student. Many students find it important to go over the Essay topics they find most interesting, and research them thoroughly. Without proper Essay Topics the writer can suffer from confusion and may not be able to fully grasp the content of the assignments.The topics that you research should include the major keywords that you can use for a topic in the topic. For example if you search for Article Essay Topic 'Environmental Impact' you would have searched the main keywords; 'Environmental Impact', 'Environmental Impact 'Environmental Impact'After you have done this type of research, you will need to look at some of the online sites that offer the many courses offered to students. It is important to find out where each of the subjects that are required for the program you are interested in, are being taught. There are many different websites that offer the program you want to take as an advanced degree.There are many courses available on these websites that can be used to earn your degree, while taking an Environmental Impact Journalism Essay. These courses are offered at accredited universities and they have been approved by news organizations and newsroom employers.Once you have found your courses, you will need to decide which course to take. To find out what course to take it is important to decide what topics that you find interesting. You should also consider the time and effort it will take to learn the course and learn the writing style that you will need to get into the field you wish to go into.Once you have decided to take the course, you will need to decide what kind of course you want to take. There are many different types of journalism courses that can be taken from the same university, and many different subjects are taught each semester. It is important to understand what it will take to achieve your goals before deciding on a course. Finally, once you have determined which course you will take, and essay topics you will need to select the best course for you. By taking the course and focusing on the Essay topics that are important to you you will be well on your way to becoming a great journalist and by going through this process you will learn the course very well.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Witchcraft And The Puritan Culture - 985 Words
Tituba is rarely at the center of attention when the Salem Witch trials come into discussion. In fact, the only time she seems to ever be mentioned is to state that she is the link between witchcraft and the adolescent girls of Salem (Breslaw. Xx). Witchcraft is defined, by Webster’s dictionary, as the â€Å"magical things that are done by witches: the use of magical powers obtained especially from evil spirits†. Although words are known to change throughout the years, witchcraft, for the most part, has remained the same, but its various interpretations, specifically in Tituba’s Arawak culture and the Puritan culture. The culture in which Tituba was born into and the culture in which she was forced into have different interpretations on who, exactly, the â€Å"evil spirits†might be. This paper will discuss the historical Salem of 1692 and what it meant to be a witch as well as highlight the parallels of witchcraft between Tituba’s culture and the Puritan culture and connect them to the larger picture to demonstrate the significance of defining witchcraft. In 1692, Salem Village was undergoing a widespread belief in the supernatural. The scandal began with three women, Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne and Tituba were accused and questioned for being witches. Tituba, Reverend Samuel Parris’ Amerindian slave, would be the only of the three women to confess to witchcraft. Her confession led to many consequential events that will be discussed later. Tituba, from Elaine Breslaw’s archivalShow MoreRelatedColonial New England Ideologies And Religious Beliefs1439 Words  | 6 Pagesideologies were strictly religious in their puritan beliefs. Clergymen were highly educated and forced religious practices in the name of being righteous and holy. Conformity to religion was not considered a rational choice to those that were forced unto American soil and forced to live a way of life so different than their own. Enslaved Africa ns brought with them their own religious, marriage and funeral, and medicinal practices. These practices prompted radical puritans to fear these religious traditionsRead MoreThe Cause Of The Salem Witch Trials Essay987 Words  | 4 PagesThe Causes of the Salem Witch Trials In 1692 in the quaint Puritan village of Salem Massachusetts, twenty lives were claimed to execution on charges of witchcraft, nineteen by hanging and one man was pressed to death. The causes of these deaths and the Salem Witch Trails can be easier understood when the culture of Puritan Colonial life is examined. The Salem community was rooted in the Puritan religion. Puritans believed like all Christians, that humanity was guilty of the original sin committedRead MoreThe Causes of the Salem Witch Trials (DBQ)1337 Words  | 4 Pagesimposed on people throughout New England during the 1680s and 1690s seem preposterous. Any behavior regarded as strange by fellow citizens was sufficient to hold a trial with a sentence of death. Though such scenarios seem unfathomable in our modern culture, it was a reality for hundreds of New England settlers. The causes of the famous outbreak of witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts are rooted in social, economic, and political aspects of the late 1 7th century Salem community. Early New EnglandersRead MoreCarol Karlsen s The Devil1692 Words  | 7 Pagespower. Independent of guilt, women who were accused of witchcraft could not possibly recovered. If they claimed their innocence, they would be stoned or burned to death because the counsel would decide that they were not being truthful. If they admitted to their guilt, their place in society would be marred and they would be embarrassed for partaking in these evil acts. Through this violence, men have been able to maintain their place in Puritan society. In her book, Karlsen aims to provide the readerRead MoreWitchcraft Trials And The Salem Witch Trials893 Words  | 4 PagesThe Salem witchcraft trials took place in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. The news of witches began to spread in Salem when a group of young girls gathered together in the kitchen of the Reverend Samuel Parris with his Indian slave named Tituba to experiment with witchcraft. After these young girls began to portray unusual behavior the village doctor came to the scene and diagnosed the girls to be possessed by the devil. The news of the presence of witches spread throughoutRead MoreSociological And Societal Issues That Influenced The Sweeping Accusations Of The Salem Witch Trials Essay1620 Words  | 7 PagesThe dynamics of late 17th century culture contributed to sociological and societal issues that influenced the sweeping accusations of the Salem Witch Trials. The â€Å"witch hunt†frenzy began in Salem Village in early 1692 all due to two young girls influence. Three main societal issues prevalent at this time could have led to the hysteria and rapid movement of the witch hunt idea. The chaotic beginnings in leadership of the church at Salem Village, the strict Puritan lifestyle and beliefs of villagersRead MoreThe Murder Of Witchcraft During The Nineteenth Century1599 Words  | 7 Pages In 1692, witchcraft accusations were prevalent in Salem Massachusetts. Hundreds of innocent people were accused and jailed on charges of witchcraft which stemmed from social class tensions, intense religious beliefs, and adolescent behavior. The accusations began with a group of young girls whose strange behavior caused many to believe that the devil and witchcraft were at play. The charge of witchcraft was considered a capital offense in the seventeenth-century, which ultimately led to the stoningRead MorePuritans, Quakers, And Witchcraft1416 Words  | 6 PagesFaith LePage HIS 201-112 Professor Newsum 10 November 2014 Puritans, Quakers, and Witchcraft Seventeenth and eighteenth century Puritans arrived in the new world; their morality structured the disciplinary actions toward Quakers, those who were considered witches, and Puritans alike throughout the Massachusetts Bay colony. Puritans Structure and new world have three significant events and one leading man. Puritans on the Mayflower traveling to the Massachusetts Bay colony were led by John WinthropRead MoreNegative Effects Of Puritan Culture On American Society1232 Words  | 5 Pagessee their loved ones slaughtered â€â€day after day. They are enduring a nightmare with the fear of being accused of witchcraft. They are living during the corrupt time of the Salem witch trials. Thomas Satterwhite Noble’s oil painting â€Å"The Witch Hill,†which typifies the mood described above, depicts a young woman being escorted to her execution because she has been accused of witchcraft. Looking at this work, it becomes clear that this alleged witch is a regular woman with a regular life. Her softRead MoreKing Philip s War Caused The Salem Witch Trials1694 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish colonists, known as King Philip’s War, gave the puritans the mindset that the Natives were associated wit h witchcraft and worshipped the Devil. The puritans believed that the natives would try to invade and destroy their religious community. The belief remained even after the war has ended which leads to the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, which occurred in Salem, Massachusetts, where the citizens, mainly women, were accused of practicing witchcraft and glorifying the Devil, similarly to what was thought
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Origin Of The Beverage Industry - 1715 Words
The beverage industry has its origins in the antique civilization. The beverage industry includes tea brewers, wine growers and home industries producing additional beverage for selling them. Over the years, the process of producing drinks became simplified and performed on a much larger scale. â€Å"The term soft drink is a combination of the words â€Å"soda water,†dating back to 1798. At that time, soft beverage creation and soda fountain manufacturing were handled by local pharmacists using their experience with chemistry and medicine. In 1835, the first bottled soda water was produced in the United States. This marked the start of carbonated soft drink manufacturing.†Martin, J. (2001). The soda fountain was rising in popularity as a social gathering spot. Temperance was keeping patrons out of bars, so making a soda-fountain drink just made sense. According to Pendergrast (1993), by the time of 1886, Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist named John Pemberton, everything he made failed in pharmacies. He invented many drugs, but none of them made any money. After he moved to Atlanta, decided to try his invention in the beverage market. Pemberton associated with Frank Robinson, a marketing business man, who register the patent, design the logo and slogan â€Å"The pauses that refreshed†. During the lapse of its first year, Coke was a disastrous business and his inventor died in August of 1888 without know what will happen with his creation. During this period, CalebShow MoreRelatedBusiness Concept : Naturalnfreshbev Llc1659 Words  | 7 PagesBusiness Concept: NaturalnFreshBev LLC is a Sacramento, California based non-alcoholic beverage startup, founded by Rajib Datta along with Melinda Cates in 2016 with a business opportunity to serve high quality and healthy non-alcoholic beverages with local origin to the consumer as well as engage the brand with the customers of new generation by providing health conscious choices. The growi ng heath and obesity concern with high sugar contained carbonated soda drinks, the shift in generation cycleRead MoreChocolates El Ray1742 Words  | 7 Pagesabout his chocolates in order to build brand awareness and gain new customers. The chocolate industry is a huge industry which entails a large market to which Venezuela could penetrate. Venezuela has some of the best cocoa in the world, and this is exactly what consumers’ need think of when they hear the name â€Å"Chocolates El Rey†. Ultimately Jorge needs to market not just the chocolate and cocoa, but the origin in which it came from and in this case Venezuela. When people think of chocolate the firstRead MoreValue Alignment for Coca-Cola Bus/4751060 Words  | 5 PagesValue Alignment for Coca-Cola BUS/475 Value Alignment for Coca-Cola The Origin and Evolution of Coca-Cola’s Workplace Values In May 1886 as a one man business in Atlanta, GA, Dr. John Pemberton, a Pharmacist who created the noncarbonated drink as medicine used as a medical elixir, nerve, and brain tonic during the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of Coca-cola started. Later carbonated dihydrogen monoxide was integrated into the drink presently known as Coca-Cola. Robert Goizueta is the currentRead MoreCoca Cola And The Market Strategy Essay1178 Words  | 5 Pagesand Coke Whiskey. Target market would be males and females of legal drinking age. Coca-Cola operates in a mature industry and business is in existence for more than 100 years. Coca-Cola managed to be competitive in the carbonated soft drink industry through improving the product and also providing customers with options of various versions of the drink including acquiring many beverage brands. Providing customers with many options satisfies customers. Coca-Cola could consider further expanding itsRead MoreThe Stomach Is The Center And Origin Of Civilization905 Words  | 4 Pages According to an anonymous author, â€Å"The stomach is the center and origin of civilization†(Armstrong, â€Å"The Stomach is the Center and Origin of Civilization†). Food played a crucial role in the rise of civilization. It spurred on the transition from a hunter and gather way of life to a sedentary and domesticated lifestyle, especially through agriculture and the development of farming. Ancient Egypt grew many of the crops used in the Old World, producing a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains toRead MoreWine Quality Of Wine Tourism1545 Words  | 7 Pagesof the wine producing area. The activities usually last for one day or more (Zhan Li, 2009). Wine tourism as a tourist type with specific purpose and feature, it has relationships with primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry. Wine tourism began in 1950s, and France was the origin of wine cultural and wine tourism. South Africa as a new region of wine producing, it also has a wine tourism history of 30 years. At present, wine tourism has a thrill development in many countriesRead Morebottled water case Essay1418 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Bottled Water Case: Industrial Evolution 1. Describe the bottled water industry as presented in the case a. Size in sales: In 2001, bottled water was among the world’s most attractive beverage categories, with global sales exceeding 32 billion gallons and annual growth averaging nearly 9 percent between 1996 and 2001. b. Projected growth: U.S. per capita consumption had grown to nearly 20 gallons a year by 2001 and was expected to grow to 26 gallons a year by 2005 c. Number of Competitors:Read MoreLabelling, Packaging And Country Of Origin1402 Words  | 6 Pages1) Introduction to Marketing This report highlights on latest issues related to Labelling, packaging Country of Origin in Australia. We discuss few major issues related to labelling and packaging, and its bad effect on health and environment pollution. We also discuss recently introduced new rules which were implemented for better health and safety reasons. â€Å"Marketing management is defined as the process of overseeing and planning new product development, advertising, promotions and sales†(AnonRead MoreCrafting Winning Strategies in the Wine Industry791 Words  | 4 PagesCRAFTING WINING STRATEGIES IN A MATURE MARKET The Wine Industry in U.S has shown that although they are the fourth largest producer of wine, they still in the 34th place in world wine consumption according to statistics in 2001. The industry competion is matter that involves understanding the industry structure and  ¿ how the fives forces affect the competition, consumption and the structure in the industry in U.S? Furthermore of this analysis, the fives forces approach is necessary to understandRead MoreCadbury Beverages Case1524 Words  | 7 PagesCompany Description Cadbury Beverages, Inc. is the beverage division of Cadbury Schweppes PLC, a major global soft drink and confectionery marketer. In 1989, Cadbury Schweppes PLC had worldwide sales of $4.6 billion, which were produced by product sales in more than 110 countries. Cadbury Schweppes PLC headquarters are located in London, England; Cadbury Beverages, Inc. worldwide headquarters are in Stamford, Connecticut. Cadbury Schweppes PLC has the distinction of being the world’s
Yunker V. Honeywell free essay sample
The court meant by its statement that negligent hiring and negligent retention â€Å"rely on liability on the part of an individual or a business that has been on the basis of negligence or other factors resulting in harm or damage to another individual or their property†(Luthra, 2011) and not on â€Å"an obligation that arises from the relationship of one party with another†(Luthra, 2011). The court meant that â€Å"negligent hiring and negligent retention do not rely on the scope of employment but address risks created by exposing members of the public to a potentially dangerous individual†(McAdams, 2007, pg. 457). 2. The court rejected the negligent supervision claim because they agreed it was not a viable theory of recovery. They stated that, â€Å"Because Landin was neither on Honeywell’s premises nor using Honeywell’s chattels when he shot Nesser†(McAdams, 2007, pg. 457), that therefore made the claim not viable. The court in this case rejected the negligent hiring claim because of previous case law. We will write a custom essay sample on Yunker V. Honeywell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the Ponticas case of 1983, the court defined negligent hiring as, â€Å"predicated on the negligence of an employer in placing a person with knowing propensities, or propensities which should have been discovered by reasonable investigation, in an employment position in which, because of the circumstances of the employment, it should have been foreseeable that the hired individual posed a threat of injury to others†. â€Å"Because of this definition under Ponticas, Honeywell argued that it should not be held liable for negligent hiring because, unlike providing a dangerous resident manager with a passkey, Landin’s employment did not enable him to commit the act of violence against Nesser†(McAdams, 2007, pg. 457). 4. The court allowed for the negligent retention issue to go to trial because of some evidence found on the record, which showed a number of episodes after Landin’s imprisonment while employed at Honeywell, a propensity for abuse and violence toward co-employees. According to the definition by the Florida Appellate court, â€Å"Negligent retention occurs when, during the course of employment, the employer becomes aware or should have become aware of problems with an employee that indicated his unfitness, and the employer fails to take further action such as investigating, discharge, or reassignment†(McAdams, 2007, pg. 458). Since the record contained evidence of a number of episodes during Landins employment after imprisonment where Honeywell should have become aware if not already aware and have taken action, this is why the court allowed for the negligent retention issue to go to trial. â€Å"Employees or their representatives have a right to request an inspection of a workplace if they believe there is a violation of a safety or health standard, or if there is any danger that threatens physical harm, or if an imminent danger exists. In addition, anyone who knows about a workplace safety or health hazard may report unsafe conditions to OSHA, and OSHA will investigate the concerns reported†(OSHA, 2011). What info must the employee give? â€Å"Employees or their representatives must provide enough information for OSHA to determine that a hazard probably exists. Workers do not have to know whether a specific OSHA standard has been violated in order to file a complaint†(OSHA, 2011). The following are examples of the type of information that would be useful to OSHA when receiving a complaint: -How many employees work at the site and how many are exposed to the hazard. -How and when workers are exposed, what work is performed in the unsafe or unhealthful area. -What type of equipment is used, Is it in good condition What materials and/or chemicals are used. Have employees been informed or trained regarding hazardous conditions, -What process and/or operation is involved, what kinds of work are done nearby, -How often and for how long do employees work at the task that leads to their exposure? -How long (to your knowledge) has the condition existed? -Have any attempts been made to correct the problem, on what shifts does the hazard exist? -Has anyone been injured or made ill because of this problem. -Have there been any near-miss incidents?  How does OSHA respond? â€Å"OSHA evaluates each complaint to determine how it can be handled bestan off-site investigation or an on-site inspection. Before beginning an inspection, OSHA staff must be able to determine from the complaint that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of an OSHA standard or a safety or health hazard exists. If OSHA has information indicating the employer is aware of the hazard and is correcting it, the agency may not conduct an inspection after obtaining the necessary documentation from the employer†. â€Å"Complaint inspections generally are limited to the hazards listed in the complaint, although other violations in plain sight may be cited as well. The inspector may decide to expand the inspection based on his/her professional judgment or conversations with workers. Complaints are not necessarily inspected in first come, first served order. OSHA ranks complaints based on the severity of the alleged hazard and the number of employees exposed. That is why lower priority complaints can often be handled more quickly using the phone/fax method than through on-site inspections After OSHA conducts a phone/fax investigation or an on-site inspection, the agency sends a letter to the worker or worker representative who filed the complaint outlining the findings, including citations and proposed penalties. Copies of citations also must be posted by the employer at or near the site of the violation. This assures that all workers who might be exposed to a hazard are aware of it and understand the need and the schedule for correction.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
Design and Methods Used In the Study A study by Aversa et al. to establish the effects of the drug vardenafil on obese men with sexual dysfunction uses all male obese subjects attending the outpatient unit of the health facility (2012). Exclusion criteria for participants include patients on certain medications such as antidiabetic, cardiovascular, statin, and other conditions as described in a previously administered questionnaire.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Twenty subjects participate in the study for 8 weeks by recording their sexual experiences during the study period in a questionnaire and a diary (Aversa et al., 2012). Bronner and VoduÃ… ¡ek attempt to manage sexual dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease (PD) since this disease significantly affects sexual function (2011). They suggest the introduction of dopaminergic drugs and the subsequent follow-up on patients diagnosed with PD. They also encourage the use of lubricants by female patients and timely counseling for all patients. Mastalir, Carvalhal, and Portal seek to investigate the outcome of the drug simvastatin in sexual dysfunction because of endothelial dysfunction. Twenty one patients receive 20 mg of simvastatin while 20 others receive a placebo for a period of six months. Subsequently, they all get 10 mg of vardenafil on demand for four weeks. Tomlinson and Wright, in an exploratory qualitative study with semi-structured interviews, seek to explore the effect of treating SD using sildenafil (2004). The study uses 40 men with erectile dysfunction and questionnaires to get information on the sexual experiences of the participants. Reis, de Angelo, Sakamoto, Ferriani, and Lara assess serum hormone concentrations, quality of semen, frequency of sexual intercourse, and erectile function in men with epileptic seizures taking carbamazepine (2013). T he study uses semi-structured questionnaires and the IIEF-5 form to obtain patient responses. Method of Analysis Aversa et al. use analysis of variance to assess disparities among treatment clusters (2012). A 50% increase in IELT (intravaginal ejaculatory latency time) is quantified using a two-sided alpha value of 0.05. The arithmetic mean IELT is compared with BMI using a multiple regression analysis. The study considers a P-value 0.05 ±s.d. as statistically significant and performs all analyses using SPSS and SAS computer statistical packages (Aversa et al., 2012). Bronner and VoduÃ… ¡ek analyze the efficacy of treatment on reported patient responses (2011). Tests such as â€Å"serum cholesterol, hormone profile, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein, the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction (IIEF), and the ED Index of Treatment Satisfaction†are done after the treatment of patients with simvastatin, placebo, and vardenafil (Mastalir, Carvalhal, Portal, 2011 p. 24 2).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The study uses statistical tests like the Student’s t-test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank, Ç 2, Mann–Whitney test, and ANOVA (Mastalir, Carvalhal, Portal, 2011). Tomlinson and Wright use thematic analysis to spot and investigate issues concerning the participants’ experiences (2004). The study carries out the data analysis concomitantly with data collection to enable full tackling of emergent concerns in subsequent interviews. The researchers carry out progressive focusing by grouping identified topics into sub-themes for further discussion. The study uses the NUD*ist software to handle and retrieve all the data in the research (Tomlinson Wright, 2004). Reis et al. use 118 men in their research (2013). Of the 118 men, 63 are epileptic while 55 are normal. Blood samples from all the participants are tested for the various parameters after which a comparison between the two groups is made using P test as the statistical test (Reis et al., 2013). References Aversa, A., Francomano, D., Bruzziches, R., Natali, M., Guerra, A., Latini, M., Donini, L. M., Lenzi, A. (2012). A pilot study to evaluate the effects of vardenafil on sexual distress in men with obesity. International Journal of Impotence Research, 24(3), 122-125. Bronner, G. VoduÃ… ¡ek D. B. (2011). Management of sexual dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, 4(6), 375-383. Mastalir, E. T., Carvalhal, G. F., Portal, V. L. (2011). The effect of simvastatin in penile erection. International Journal of Impotence Research, 23(6), 242-248. Reis, R. M., de Angelo, A. G., Sakamoto, A. C., Ferriani, R. A., Lara, L. A. S. (2013). Altered sexual and reproductive functions in epileptic men taking carbamazepine. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(2), 493-499.Advertising We will write a custom essay sampl e on Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tomlinson, J., Wright, D. (2004). Impact of erectile dysfunction and its subsequent treatment with sildenafil: Qualitative study. BMJ. 328(2004), 1037-1039. Web. This essay on Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction was written and submitted by user Nelson Mclean to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Coffee Culture Essay Essay Example
Coffee Culture Essay Essay Example Coffee Culture Essay Essay Coffee Culture Essay Essay Coffee has been around for a really long clip. It is no happenstance that such an influential and built-in drink has created a cultural kingdom of its ain. Harmonizing to â€Å"Hot and Bothered: Coffee and Caffeine Humor†by Elise Decamp with Catherine M. Tucker. java wit has been depicted to be one of the regards that has culturally elevated coffee-drinking to a another human facet – wit. Wit can be interpreted and expressed in more ways than one. There are no set regulations of what constitutes wit in any society ; hence. wit comes in many forms and sizes. So. how is increasing java wit relayed to â€Å"caffeine civilization? †Each civilization and point in clip is different. but java has ever had a strong correlativity to a â€Å"caffeine culture†that stemmed from the physiological and mental properties that java. or caffeine. imposes on its consumer. Because of its ill-famed effects java has on its consumers. imbibing java has been portrayed as an activating. riveting. and delicious image. The article besides makes mentions to sketchs and studies about devouring java in the mid-1900’s and how it depicted the ingestion of java and its effects. This is possibly because during that span. societies were emerging as more work-oriented lives that led to the more practical usage of java. or caffeine. Coffee wit emerged as a manner of construing java ingestion and its effects by portraying the consumers as really watchful. alive. and even somber. The articles besides notes that research on caffeine ingestion non merely may do a individual more energized and watchful. but besides relaxed and at easiness. This finally led to the relationship java had with its consumers by leting devouring java drinkers to show their affinity and devotedness by either have oning it as a shirt. bumper spine. or on a description via societal media. Finally. java wit has contributed to the image many java drinkers hold and has been an indispensable method of demoing the universe the many faces of imbibing java. Drinking java. nevertheless. has non ever been portrayed as a positive influence. Through java wit. modern preoccupations about java or other facets of modern life have been revealed to be a concern for the ingestion of java. The article explains the usage of caffeine as drug. known as Dopastat. which is responsible for the effects it has on its consumers. Those effects being alertness sleep corruption. high-energy. and an addition in blood force per unit area. Caffeine non merely causes these effects to take topographic point during its consumption. but like many other drugs. it leads to backdowns that conveying forth anxiety. depression. musculus weariness. insomnia. and concerns. These backdowns. nevertheless. merely last a couple yearss. unlike stronger drugs with longer permanent backdowns. Consequently. java wit has taken an reading of the effects of java ingestion by portraying what would go on if person was to travel without imbibing java and their lives would be different. What may look like an guiltless gag at first. could really be analyzed as a portraiture of a societal issue of the possible dangers and misinformed life styles many choose to be a portion of.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A look at methods that can be used to improve learning in disabled kids
A look at methods that can be used to improve learning in disabled kids Practicum Write Up As a teacher, we have specific moral/ethical and legal responsibilities for educating students with disabilities. Laws, such as IDEA, have been created to ensure that each student receives a free appropriate public education, the least restrictive environment, an individualized education program, procedural due process, nondiscriminatory assessment, and parental participation. We have to be highly effective teachers who understand our obligations and duties to help our students. Working with a student with an IEP during my field experiences was very rewarding. I learned so much about Tier 1 and 2 interventions, and I feel much more confident in the referral process for IEPs and how to implement them in real life. Reading and discussing about accommodations is so great in helping us learn the foundation, but actually preforming interventions with a real kid increased my understanding tenfold. At one point, I was getting a little frustrated that Talon couldn’t understand the fraction conversions while I worked with a small group, but I decided to take a step back and try a different angle, and it clicked! He finally was able to do the assignment, and this experience helped me see that every child is different. Every kid has unique challenges and is doing what they can to do their best. I feel like my perceptions of disabilities has changed after this experience. My student has an IEP, but he is so much more than an IEP. He’s motivated to do his best, and I can see how hard he works. I have been in Mrs. Young’s class before and never would have guessed that Talon had an IEP. Kids with disabilities are kids first. Their IEP or disability does not define them. This experience is helped me focus on the children as children.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Ethics in Cyberspace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethics in Cyberspace - Essay Example The main thesis of this essay, given by the researcher: putting harmless virus in the internet for the purposes of seeing how fast the virus will spread is more acceptable than selling a customer’s information to a competing company. The act of customer Data protection requires one to process the information in a confidential manner and breaking the act will result one to facing criminal charges. It is, therefore, important for one to handle customer’s confidential information with high integrity and confidentiality. The need to process individual data lawfully and fairly is set out in the data protection act and is among the principles at the core of data protection. The main reason for these principles is to safeguard the interests of the persons whose confidential data is being handled by other people. These principles apply to nearly everything one does with individual data, in exception of where one is at liberty for an exemption. Even, though, selling a clientâ₠¬â„¢s information without telling the customer and releasing harmless virus on the network are both unethical, it is clear that the latter is more acceptable due to the impact. This can be analyzed from the effect side of each action. Just as, it was discussed in the essay, most of these ethics deal with freedom involved in communicating certain information as one of people’s rights. However, this should not be at the expense of safety of others in the community. In addition, release of computer virus is more acceptable because the situation can be reversed unlike the release of confidential information.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
City of the Beasts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
City of the Beasts - Essay Example The book is a magical journey into the heart of the jungle as well as Alex's journey towards self discovery under the most unexpected circumstances. Nadia and Alex both find their inner strengths through visions and their interactions with the tribe. Through their encounters with the "People of the Mist", City of the Beasts encourages readers to look beyond what is seen by the naked eye and listen beyond what the ears can hear. City of the Beasts clearly reveals that there is beauty even in the evil looking creatures and how people are easily swayed by outside appearance of individuals. Listening by the heart is also shown as a way to understanding things which cannot be fully grasped by our senses. The story also revolves on the painful realities of the worlds such as racial discrimination, catastrophic decisions on the environment, abuse of power, and corrupt officials. However, though the story is crafted with essential lessons it also has some pitfalls. The book drew a picture of the world based on popular clichs. All the modern persons in the story are depicted as destructive and tough, sometimes to the point of being inhumane.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Essays
Philosophy Why I want to teach: Children are far more likely to smile and laugh than grown ups. Their giggles and humor tend to be contagious and so I love to be around them. They have a tremendous capacity to learn but still manage not to take things too seriously. I admire that and would like to spend my career helping them. My education philosophy: Each of the major philosophical approaches to education has merit. However, to strictly employ only one philosophy is limiting and hampers all possibility for improvement. Essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, and existentialism all contribute valid ideas to the teaching profession. I will choose to use aspects of each in varying degrees as is appropriate to different students and situations. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences must be considered when planning lessons for students with different aptitudes. In addition, it is important to keep an open mind about the many different methods available for teaching any given subject in a manner that is best suited to students with different intelligences. The merit of essentialism is evident in its name. Essentialism aims to teach essential skills and subjects. There are unarguably certain subjects which are necessary as a core and foundation to all other learning. Reading, math, and natural science are subjects that will be built upon from day one of a students school career. I agree with essentialists that these subjects should be taught to every student in addition to history, literature, and other social sciences. Essentialism also holds that teachers should teach a respect for duty and authority as well as consideration for others. Personally, I agree with this idea and believe that a respect for author... ...ifficult to apply the best parts of each of these philosophies. In fact, it may be impossible to apply them all simultaneously. My goal is to maintain an awareness of each of them so that I can employ the best philosophy for each situation. As an elementary school teacher essentialism and progressivism will be most appropriate in most situations. However, as part of my professional development, it will be important to maintain and add to my knowledge of all educational philosophies. My greatest challenge will be discovering the best method for effectively teaching students with so many varied interests, aptitudes, and cultural backgrounds. I feel confident that Concord College is giving me a strong foundation to build these skills upon. I consider my field experiences an invaluable opportunity to test and improve the educational philosophies I am learning in class. Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Essays Philosophy Why I want to teach: Children are far more likely to smile and laugh than grown ups. Their giggles and humor tend to be contagious and so I love to be around them. They have a tremendous capacity to learn but still manage not to take things too seriously. I admire that and would like to spend my career helping them. My education philosophy: Each of the major philosophical approaches to education has merit. However, to strictly employ only one philosophy is limiting and hampers all possibility for improvement. Essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, and existentialism all contribute valid ideas to the teaching profession. I will choose to use aspects of each in varying degrees as is appropriate to different students and situations. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences must be considered when planning lessons for students with different aptitudes. In addition, it is important to keep an open mind about the many different methods available for teaching any given subject in a manner that is best suited to students with different intelligences. The merit of essentialism is evident in its name. Essentialism aims to teach essential skills and subjects. There are unarguably certain subjects which are necessary as a core and foundation to all other learning. Reading, math, and natural science are subjects that will be built upon from day one of a students school career. I agree with essentialists that these subjects should be taught to every student in addition to history, literature, and other social sciences. Essentialism also holds that teachers should teach a respect for duty and authority as well as consideration for others. Personally, I agree with this idea and believe that a respect for author... ...ifficult to apply the best parts of each of these philosophies. In fact, it may be impossible to apply them all simultaneously. My goal is to maintain an awareness of each of them so that I can employ the best philosophy for each situation. As an elementary school teacher essentialism and progressivism will be most appropriate in most situations. However, as part of my professional development, it will be important to maintain and add to my knowledge of all educational philosophies. My greatest challenge will be discovering the best method for effectively teaching students with so many varied interests, aptitudes, and cultural backgrounds. I feel confident that Concord College is giving me a strong foundation to build these skills upon. I consider my field experiences an invaluable opportunity to test and improve the educational philosophies I am learning in class.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Hobby: Actor and Favorite Pastime Essay
People live a very busy life nowadays, so they have little time to spare. Still they try their best to make use of those rare hours of leisure. A hobby is a favorite pastime of a person. Hobbies differ like tastes. People choose their hobbies according to their taste and character. Someone likes simply to watch TV, lying on a sofa. If you have chosen a hobby to your liking, lucky you are: you have made your life more interesting. But many people have nothing to do during their spare time, though there are many different hobbies: reading, collecting, going in for sports, traveling and others. If a person collects something, he does it according to his financial abilities: someone collects cars or pictures of world-known painters, while another one collects beer cans or stamps. But no matter what they collect, it gives them pleasure. Many collections started in a small way with one or two items. Some private collections are really valuable. No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has an opportunity of learning from it. Some young people find it a pleasure to go to the theatre. The theatre is one of the most ancient kinds of art. For centuries people have come to the theatre for the different aims: to relax, to be amazed or entertained, to have a good laugh, to enjoy the acting of their favorite actors and actresses. Modern life is impossible without traveling. Many people travel by rail, by air, by sea or by road for pleasure. Many people are fond of reading. As for me I don’t like to read very much, but I think that it’s the most useful pastime. If a person likes to read, he can take many useful information and life experience from the books. As for me I am fond of dancing. I am doing it since my childhood. While dancing I feel very comfortable, I am flying as if I have wings. Especially I feel so while dancing Arabic dances. Another hobby is to dry flowers and to make different bouquets. There are a lot of such bouquets in my flat. Also I like to present them to my relatives and friends. Also I like singing very much. But I am afraid to sing when there are other people in the same place. But I do like to sing. While doing it I can naked my soul, I can express what I feel in that very moment.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Negative Effects Of Social Media - 1212 Words
Meghan Glover Speech 1315.055 Professor Knipe 20 June 2015 The Negative Effects of Social Media Introduction 1. Attention Getter: a. What is the first thing most people do in the morning? i. Brush teeth? ii. Go to the bathroom? iii. Feed your dog? iv. The correct answer is actually checking your phone. 1. According to a recent study by IDC Research, 80% of smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up each morning. b. What on your phone is so important? i. Social media c. Social Media i. According to, social media is considered websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts ii. Some popular social media sites are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. These are probably the most used with Facebook being at the top. d. Millions of people are constantly interacting i. Facebook has received 95 million views to date according to a statistic provided by 2. State Topic a. Although social media provides many great advantages through its use, there are also some detrimental effects that we need to be cautious about when using it. 3. Preview Main Points a. Today I will discuss 3 negative impacts that we need to be aware of when we use social media: i. narcissism, addiction, and a loss of interpersonal relations. 4. TRANSITION: First I would like to talk about narcissism†¦ Body Main Point 1- Narcissism 1. With social mediaShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1648 Words  | 7 Pages I’ve learned that everything that glitters ain’t gold. In my middle school days I’ve experienced the negative effects of social media, Now when I say social media, I’m referring to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. By me being very active on social media I’ve been taunted, teased, threatened and harassed along with having low- self esteem and some suicidal thoughts . According to a recent study in the JAMA pediatrics, 23% of teens report they are or have been the target of cyberbullyingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1117 Words  | 5 PagesNegative impact of social media to the society. Addictiveness. Right off the bat, Teens are exceptionally subject to their gadgets in light of the fact that separated from schoolwork they are experts at spending the small hours of the night stuck to any electronic gadgets sharing, tuning in to music and different things youngsters are occupied with. Addiction usually refers to compulsive behavior that leads to negative effects. In most addictions, people feel compelled to do certain activities atRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1509 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing millennials, social media is as natural to the people of today as breathing or drinking water. Social media is a â€Å"series of websites and applications that have been designed to allow people to share content and communicate with each other quickly and efficiently†(â€Å"What is Social Media, 2017). A few people have a more confined perspective of social media likening it to mean the same as interacting on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others. The p ower of social media is such that, theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1350 Words  | 6 Pagestoday’s society, social media is an important tool that many people use daily for various purposes. On social media, people share their opinions, events in their lives, and news. They also use social media as a tool for entertainment and as a way of keeping in touch with their friends. Because of its various uses, the use of social media increased very significantly over the years and it is no surprise that many scholars from different disciplines took an interest in the use of social media. These scholarsRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1517 Words  | 7 Pages What is Social Media? As stated on, social media is â€Å"websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts†. There are a huge variety of social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram, and YouTube. As our technology gets more and more advanced and new devices come out, social media itself is growing as well. Because of the growth of social media, our lives areRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1297 Words  | 6 PagesIn the twenty-first century, social media plays an extensive part in most people’s lives. Instagram, Twitter, and many other social networks can cause adverse psychological harm and even lead to physical harm. Although many may argue that social media pertains to be useful, there prove to be more harmful aspects rather than helpful aspects of these media sites. These effects are not only psychological, but they may also be physi cal. Not only do social networks cause depression, anxiety, and cyberbullyingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1716 Words  | 7 PagesTwitter, Instagram, and many other social media sites, these changed the way that we communicate with one another. Social platforms allow people to share events of their own lives, through posting photos, leaving comments, updating their status, and many others. For example, â€Å"As of today, there are a little over 322 million people that live in the United States, 64% of whom own a smartphone. This means that approximately 206 million people have access to social media, anywhere at any time. FurthermoreRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1743 Words  | 7 Pagesthese people are on their social media accounts. According to Brooke Lusk, the database and media manager for the Prevention Researcher, social media can be defined as, â€Å"an aspect of the internet which allows individuals and groups to create and publish online conte nt, share the content, and interact about it.†These days, people are very involved with the internet and social media. Some think this is a benefit while others think this is a detriment for many reasons. Social media allows people to stayRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1064 Words  | 5 PagesA Negative Collage of Social Media Today in everyday life we all have some sort of device. We all possess access to social media in some way, shape or form. Social media plays a huge part of everyone’s life. We constantly look at our phones on every beep. We read every post on Facebook. We never thought how that affects the youth and with them following us, who knows what they might find on the World Wide Web. Social media in the hands of the youth can have devastating effects, even adultsRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media770 Words  | 4 Pagesand more advanced, and as this virus is growing every day, more and more people are getting infected. There are numerous social media sites that are considered the â€Å"virus†such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and so on. This is what turns people into zombies. These websites may seem harmless, but can be very unhealthy for mental, physical, and social health. Social media can affect people’s brains. Every time anyone is on it, it starts eating at their brain, infecting them with the virus
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